10 Fruits And Vegetables To Treat Water Retention

To eliminate fluid retention, it is important to consume fruits with high water content to stimulate urine production and purify waste .

It is essential to have u not supply daily quality for web arious reasons. One of them is that it helps prevent health problems like water retention.

Some fruits and vegetables have a good amount of water, so they will be used to remove excess fluid in the urine.

Fruits and vegetables: diuretic foods

The best diuretic is undoubtedly water. You have surely read or heard often that it is essential to take in enough water every day. Not necessarily two liters, but more than two glasses per day. Julio Basulto, expert in dietetics and nutrition, comments that it is  advisable to drink according to thirst, even in summer. 

However, we must keep in mind that food also provides us with water. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to consume several fruits per day, for example. Fruits, in addition to providing various nutrients to the body , provide it with water. 

Many vegetables and fruits are included in the list of diuretic foods because they contain a large amount of water. Their consumption promotes urine production and, therefore, stimulates diuresis.

Consumption of these foods additionally supports kidney function, so they are very beneficial in this area of ​​health.

1. Pineapple

Pineapple is a delicious fruit with a high water content. According to data from the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition, it contains iodine, vitamin C, organic acids and bromelain, an enzyme that helps digestion.

2. Tomato

Tomato is a water-rich fruit that also contains protein, carotenoids, and vitamin C. So we consider this to be a good option to promote the elimination of retained fluids.

3. Watermelon

Watermelon is the fruit with the greatest amount of water (95% of its weight). According to data from FEN, “no nutrient can be identified as ‘source’ or ‘high’, but it is possible to demonstrate an intake of potassium and vitamin A, which contributes to the total diet” .

Nothing is more refreshing than a slice of this fruit on a summer afternoon, although we can also consume it otherwise.

4. Spinach

 water retention

Spinach is a food that  contains protein, fiber, iron, potassium, folate, vitamin C, A, E, and b-carotene. So that they not only contribute to cardiovascular health, but can also promote intestinal transit and diuresis.

We can eat them raw in salads, but we can also add them to various smoothies and shakes. The important thing is to always include them in a balanced diet.

5. Melon

Melon is another fruit with a high water content. According to FEN data, it  contains potassium, vitamin C and folate. It is therefore a food that we recommend when we suffer from edema or water retention.

6. Artichoke

Artichoke is a food that  contains protein, fiber, phosphorus, potassium, sterols and cynarin. It is therefore also a recommended option in case of water retention. We can also consume it as part of the diet as a preventive measure.

7. Apple

Apple is a fruit that contains a high content of dietary fiber  and to some extent potassium and vitamin C, as well as flavonoids, procyanidins and organic acids. Its regular consumption in natural form can promote intestinal transit and the expulsion of retained fluids.

8. Lawyer

Avocado is a food widely known to be one of the best sources of healthy fat around. FEN experts point out that it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, potassium and vitamins C, E and B6.

9. Grapefruit

All citrus fruits actually contain a fair amount of water and can help us expel retained fluids if we have edema. They are also rich in vitamin C,  the deficiency of which can be the cause of retention in some cases.

We advise you to eat oranges and tangerines at any time of the day, but especially at breakfast, as an accompaniment to grapefruit to provide the body with many nutrients from the first hour.

10. Pear

 water retention

Like the apple, the pear is rich in fiber and water.  It is therefore perfect for hydrating the body and at the same time eliminating retained fluids. It can also provide potassium and vitamin C, which contribute to the overall diet.

Other options

Other fruits and vegetables, also rich in water and fiber, are: papaya, asparagus, banana, parsley, black grapes and celery.

If you want to combat water retention, it  is best to follow your doctor’s instructions and maintain a healthy, balanced diet  that includes any of these fruits that we have discussed.

You will see how, little by little, you will start to eliminate fluids naturally and feel better.

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