10 Kidney Tone Foods

In addition to being an excellent diuretic, pineapple is rich in vitamin C, potassium and bromelain, which is why it helps us fight infections and reduce the risk of suffering from kidney stones.

The kidneys are very important organs of our body since they are responsible for preventing many diseases and ensuring the proper functioning of our body in general.

Among the essential functions of the kidney, we find the elimination of toxins contained in the blood as well as the elimination of wastes that our body does not need, through the urine. 

Many factors can make the kidneys sick and lead to kidney disease which can sometimes be serious.

This is why it is very important to adopt healthy lifestyle habits in order to benefit from good kidney health and thus be sure that the kidneys will do their job.

One of the factors that most influences kidney health is diet. While there are some foods that significantly affect the kidneys, there are others that help strengthen and keep them healthy.

In this article, we’re going to tell you about the foods to include in your diet if you want to strengthen your kidneys.

Beetroot for the kidneys

Beetroot is a food with many diuretic and detoxifying properties that support kidney health. Rich in potassium, this vegetable is recommended to strengthen and cleanse the kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

In order to take full advantage of its benefits, it is advisable to prepare a beetroot and carrot juice or to add it to mixed salads.

The blueberries

Blueberries for the kidneys.

Blueberries are kidney detoxifiers that also have bladder purifying effects. Their properties strengthen the functioning of the kidneys and prevent them from infections since they prevent bacteria from growing. 

It is recommended to drink blueberry juice on an empty stomach.

Whole grains

These foods are known for their high fiber intake, which leads to the elimination of toxins and wastes. Grains help eliminate water retention and also detoxify the kidneys.

The celery

Celery for the kidneys.

This food is composed of water, mineral salts and vitamins such as alpha tocopherol or vitamin E, beta-carothene or provitamin A, vitamin C, folate, among others.

Thanks to its compounds and diuretic properties, it is highly recommended for naturally cleaning the kidneys and thus leading to the elimination of waste. You can consume it in juice, in infusion or in mixed salads.


Onion is a food rich in flavonoids, especially the one called quercetin, which is a powerful antioxidant that strengthens organs like the kidneys and the heart.

Thanks to its properties, it also regulates the metabolism and helps eliminate toxins that the body needs.

The strawberries

Strawberries for the kidneys.

Strawberries are powerful antioxidants. They help protect the structures of the cell body which also prevent oxidative damage.

Including strawberries in your diet strengthens kidney health, prevents inflammation. And helps to clean them naturally, since they allow the elimination of waste from the body.

The watermelon

Watermelon is one of the best foods for supporting the kidneys. And to fight against urinary tract diseases. This delicious fruit is 93% water, which translates to just 20 calories per 100 grams.

It is also a powerful antioxidant and a source of vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, very rich. Watermelon is great for the kidneys and for preventing diseases such as cystitis, kidney stones, urethritis, and fluid retention. 


Pineapple for the kidneys.

Pineapple is one of the most powerful diuretic foods and is an interesting ally for the kidneys.

This exotic fruit contains large amounts of vitamin C, potassium and enzymes called bromelains. Together, they fight infections, reduce inflammation, stimulate digestion. And also reduce the risk of suffering from kidney stones.


Potatoes are full of vitamins and minerals. They help in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones.

This food is known to be a great source of starch, potassium, magnesium, calcium. Phosphorus, vitamin B and vitamin C, which work powerfully for the kidneys. By purifying them and dissolving kidney stones.

To consume the potatoes, it is recommended to boil them whole. Or to prepare a drink with their skin. You can also eat the skin raw or grilled.


Watercress for the kidneys.

Watercress contains diuretic properties, which are good for the kidneys. C plant ette prevent and fight against the formation of stones in the latter or in the vesicle. C ombats water retention and promotes the elimination of toxins.

To consume it, all you need to do is extract the juice and consume it without sweetening it.

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