10 Physical Signs Of Anxiety

Although anxiety is a psychological disorder, remember that our emotions are inextricably linked to and directly related to our physical health.

Anxiety is a psychological disorder that is described as a voluntary anticipatory response to internal or external stimulation. It can be thoughts and certain situations of everyday life as well. But do you know that there are physical signs of anxiety?

It is a set of physical and mental reactions that usually appear when going through situations of danger or stress. Or when you are exposed to hormonal changes.

However, it manifests itself differently in different people. It will depend on its origin and the person’s ability to manage their emotions.

In almost all cases, it is transient. However, in some patients it becomes a chronic and recurring problem.

What is most worrying is that many people are unaware that they have it. They do not take the necessary steps to deal with the effects that anxiety causes in the body.

This is why it is important to know its warning signs and to watch them well, even if they seem insignificant at first glance.

In this article, therefore, we would like to share with you the top 10 physical signs of anxiety so that you can listen to your body, before this problem becomes more serious.

Take note !

1. Among the physical signs of anxiety, chest pain

Chest pain is very common in anxious patients and in most cases it comes from muscle tension .

  • Even though sometimes they are so strong that they are mistaken for a heart attack, they are often momentary and do not lead to such complicated situations.

2. A knot in the throat and difficulty in breathing

This symptom, known as the “hysterical globe” is produced by the contraction of the muscles of the throat in the face of the onset of anxiety and stress.

  • Feeling a blocked throat and having difficulty swallowing food are clear signs of these emotional imbalances.

3. Excessive sweating

Sweating is a normal reaction of the body and therefore is necessary to keep the body temperature at a good level.

  • However, during times of anxiety, the activity of the sweat glands is impaired and as a result, sweating is produced in excessive or abnormal amounts.

4. Pain in the shoulders and neck

The muscle tension that is perceived during anxiety attacks tends to directly affect sensitive areas such as the shoulders and neck.

In fact, it is sometimes accompanied by an uncomfortable facial numbness that can last a few minutes.

5. Digestive problems among the physical signs of anxiety

The digestive system has a strong link with emotional states and when going through an episode of anxiety, its functioning can be altered.

  • Indigestion, excessive production of acidic juices, and constipation are conditions that affect people with anxiety.

6. Skin alterations

Among the physical signs of anxiety are skin changes. Indeed, periods of anxiety also affect the body aesthetically, since they lead to skin changes.

  • Rashes on the face, spots, and excess dryness are common symptoms in those suffering from emotional imbalance.
  • Usually they occur on the face but can also affect the arms, back and other parts of the body.

But, when the anxiety subsides, the skin returns to its normal state.

7. The tingling sensation

The feeling of brittleness and tingling in the joints is the body’s struggling response to situations that generate stress and anxiety and is therefore part of the physical signs of anxiety.

  • This is due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood of the extremities, due to the decrease in the oxygenation process.

8. Insomnia

Insomnia and other sleep disorders are also physical signs of anxiety. It is thus one of the most disturbing and common effects of anxiety.

Having difficulty falling asleep or falling asleep regularly during the day often has to do with the emotional problems we are going through.

Over time, it can also cause physical and mental reactions that dramatically affect the quality of life.

9. Pain in the eyesred eye

During times of anxiety, certain bodily fluids decrease or are diverted to tissues that need them most.

  • This leads to a decrease in the natural lubrication of the eyes, which can cause reddening, irritation and dryness.

10. Migraines

Strong headaches, such as migraine, are linked to long periods of anxiety.

  • The tension and blood circulation problems that arise from it are often to blame for this symptom.

Have you identified these signs in your body? If so, then better start taking steps to control this emotional imbalance.

Practice relaxation techniques and also adopt a healthy diet to cope effectively.

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