11 Incredible Benefits Of A Cold Shower

Did you know that cold water, in addition to helping us detoxify the body and lose weight can improve our morale and give us more energy ?

Until a few decades ago, hot water showers were a luxury that only a small part of the population could access.

But over time the situation changed and today many people have easy access to hot water.

Little by little, we therefore lost the habit of taking a cold shower. But we have also forgotten the important benefits that a cold shower brings us.

Even if we don’t know it, the temperature of the water has an effect on the body and the cold water is therefore excellent. And this, for health as well as for beauty.

So that you no longer hesitate to take a cold shower every day, we are going to share its 11 best virtues. Discover them!

1. A cold shower improves your morale

Taking a cold shower is a good therapy for dealing with stress, depression and negative emotions. 

Indeed, it stimulates the secretion of norepinephrine in the brain. It is indeed a hormone associated with the decrease in substances causing mood swings.

2. It stimulates energies

There’s nothing like starting the day with a cold shower. It thus has the ability to activate the brain and stimulate energies.

Once the body perceives the cold, the nerve endings are stimulated, the heart beats at a better rate, and breathing becomes faster.

3. The cold shower relieves inflammation

People who have symptoms related to inflammation can feel a great sense of relief if they shower in cold water daily.

As the veins contract in the body and cold water helps eliminate toxins from the blood, the tissues become deflated.

4. It strengthens the immune system

Exposure to cold environments triggers a series of positive effects in the body that help strengthen the immune system.

This helps to improve the transport of nutrients and oxygen to each of the cells in the body.

5. It improves the functioning of the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is separated from the blood vessels. Its function is to fight pathogens and filter waste. 

Lymph fluid contains white blood cells, which play an important role in fighting infections.

Cold showers generate a contraction throughout the body. Lymph fluid actually spreads more easily and improves overall health.

When this fluid is not transported well, it accumulates in the extremities and produces symptoms that decrease the quality of life.

6. It helps to find sleep

While hot showers are better for getting a good night’s sleep, cold water can also be an alternative therapy to help you fall asleep.

This is due to the fact that it generates a strong feeling of well-being which allows the body to relax and lead it to sleep.

7. Cold shower moisturizes skin and hair

While hot water helps open the pores, cold water helps close them. Likewise, it is much more hydrating and helps prevent dryness and the development of blemishes.

8. It speeds up recovery after physical activity

Maybe you didn’t know it, but athletes take showers of extremely cold water after every workout to calm muscle pain and speed up their recovery process.

Their anti-inflammatory and lubricating power helps to relax all the joints to reduce the feeling of fatigue.

9. A cold shower detoxifies the body

It also serves as a supplement for physical detoxification because it stimulates the elimination of toxins retained in the blood and out of the skin.

10. It encourages weight loss

The human body contains two types of lipids: white fat and brown fat. The white is the one that accumulates because of the excessive consumption of calories and sedentary lifestyle.

For its part, brown fat is what we know as “good fat”. It actually generates heat in the body and helps reduce harmful fat.

Taking showers at low temperatures can therefore influence weight loss.

11. The cold shower fights against cellulite

A habit as simple as this can help reduce cellulite or “orange peel”.

When blood circulation is activated and toxins are eliminated, fatty tissue is reduced and the appearance of the skin improves. 

Now that you know why cold showers are so good, try taking them more often!

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