11 Natural Remedies To Fight Acidity Or Heartburn

Although natural remedies have no contraindications, they should be taken with care as we can be allergic to certain components of their ingredients.

Stomach acid, also known as heartburn, is a bothersome sensation that starts in the lower chest and can extend into the throat.

In almost all cases, this discomfort appears when stomach acids rise through the sphincter that separates the stomach from the esophagus, when the latter has not completely closed or if there is pressure in the stomach. stomach.

Symptoms include a sour or bitter taste in the throat and a burning sensation in the chest.

Some of the triggers for this problem include:

  • The consumption of too abundant and plentiful meals.
  • Suffer from overweight.
  • To smoke.
  • To be pregnant.

However, when this condition becomes recurrent (from 4 times per week), it is important to see a doctor as it can be a sign of a more serious disease.

Treatment for heartburn often includes antacids and other pharmacological drugs that calm symptoms.

However, their excessive use is not advised as they could produce side effects.

That is why today we are going to share with you some natural remedies to deal with this condition in a healthier way.

1. Water

As a first measure against acidity, drink a glass of water. This liquid will help dilute the acid and make it easier to return to the stomach.

2. Baking soda against acidity

Baking soda against acidity.

This little white powder, which can be found in any supermarket, is known for its alkaline properties which help neutralize the acidity of the stomach and the body in general.


  • A spoonful of baking soda (4.6 g)
  • A glass of water (200 ml)


  • Dilute the spoonful of baking soda in the glass of water and drink it gently to eliminate this problem.

3. Potato juice

The active compounds in potato help neutralize stomach acids and regulate the production of gastric juices to fight heartburn and ailments like gastritis.


Take a spoonful of potato juice, dilute it in water and drink it after a very heavy meal.

4. Ginger against acidity

Ginger against acidity.

Ginger is a spice known since Antiquity thanks to its multiple digestive properties.

It is very effective in combating stomach acidity, thanks to its mild alkaline effect which regulates the pH in the stomach to control acidic compounds.


  • A spoonful of ginger root (3 g)
  • A cup of water (250 ml)


  • First heat the water and when it comes to a boil, add the spoonful of ginger root.
  • Then leave the decoction for 10 minutes, filter the contents and consume.

5. Anise infusion against acidity

Anise is a good remedy to decrease the acidity of the stomach and all its symptoms.

However, it should be consumed with caution as some people are allergic to its active compounds.


  • 2 tablespoons of anise (6 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


Heat the water and when it comes to a boil, add two tablespoons of anise.

Heat for another 10 minutes, let stand another 10 minutes and drink.

6. Apple vinegar

Even though this ingredient contains acids, when it arrives in the body, it has an alkaline effect which thus helps to reduce acidity.


  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (15 ml)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


Just dilute a spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, and take it immediately after eating a heavy meal.

7. Aloe vera juice against acidity

Having an aloe vera plant at home means having one of the best natural remedies at hand to treat different diseases.

Indeed, aloe vera gel acts as a stomach tonic, ideal for regulating acidity and therefore improving the digestion of food.

Extract two tablespoons of 100% organic gel and add it to your drink or consume it in its natural state.

8. Papaya against acidity

Papaya contains a digestive enzyme known as papain, which is involved in various digestive processes and helps reduce burns.

It is recommended to fight against common disorders like constipation, indigestion and gastritis.

Eat a piece of papaya in its natural state or add it to your juices or smoothies.

9. Cinnamon against acidity

An infusion of cinnamon can work wonders in improving digestion and fighting off ailments like inflammation, acidity and also gas.


  • 1 tablespoon of cinnamon (3 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • First put the water to boil and add a spoonful of cinnamon.
  • Then let it sit for 10 minutes and drink it.
  • You can boost its effects by adding a little honey.

10. Banana against acidity

This sweet and delicious herb has a pH of 5.6, making it an excellent remedy for relieving symptoms of stomach acid.

However, be aware that it can have unwanted effects in some people.

If you want to try it, then eat a small piece of banana at the first sign of heartburn. 

11. Pineapple against acidity

This tropical fruit known for its diuretic action thus contains digestive enzymes (bromelain) which allow the stomach not to suffer from inflammation, gas and burns.

You can therefore consume it in its natural state or add it to juices and smoothies.

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