11 Tasteless Benefits Of Gelatin You Should Know

Gelatin provides us with protein to optimize our physical performance, helps us relax and can even be effective in fighting sleep disorders.

Gelatin is a semi-solid, colorless substance obtained from the collagen of animal connective tissues boiled in water.

It is composed of 98% of complex proteins and 2% of mineral salts, which added to the water of the preparation, bring many benefits to the body.

Thanks to its texture and its ability to thicken, it is one of the most used ingredients in the preparation of desserts and other cooking recipes.

However, beyond culinary applications, it is a medicinal food that can prevent and treat many types of illnesses.

While these uses have been known since ancient times, many people do not know how to use it to promote well-being.

This is why in this article, we want to give you the 11 main virtues of gelatin so that you can benefit from it.

1. It is detoxifying

Glycine, one of the amino acids found in gelatin, helps remove toxins that are retained in the liver.

This substance supports the activity of the excretory organs of the body and is therefore fundamental for the optimal functioning of the hepatic system.

Its absorption helps inhibit the negative effects of free radicals and cell damage caused by excess toxic substances in the blood.

2. It improves digestion

Gelatin is a hydrophilic food, that is, it attracts liquids, even when it is already cooked.

This quality makes it one of the great allies of the digestive system, because it retains stomach juices to facilitate the digestion of dishes.

Its absorption improves bowel movement and the expulsion of wastes that tend to be retained in the colon.

In addition, thanks to its glycine intake, it helps restore the gastric mucosa. Optimizing the assimilation of nutrients and preventing the development of digestive diseases.

3. Gelatin to improve joint and bone health

Gelatin to improve joint health.

Given its significant concentration of essential amino acids, gelatin is a good supplement for maintaining healthy bones and joint cartilage.

Its anti-inflammatory properties fight pain in these systems and lower the risk of diseases like arthritis and osteoarthritis.

4. It is a source of protein

As we have indicated, gelatin is composed of more than 90% of proteins with high biological value which, in addition to increasing energies, contribute to gain muscle mass and improve physical performance.

It is recommended for athletes and pregnant women because its amino acids are easily absorbed by cells.

5. Gelatin to strengthen nails and hair

The keratin that this natural ingredient provides can be used as an alternative treatment to strengthen weakened nails and hair.

These properties can be used in internal consumption or external application.

6. It improves the appearance of the skin

Collagen is one of the most widely used substances in the manufacture of cosmetic skin care creams and treatments.

As gelatin is made from cooked collagen, it provides amino acids necessary to maintain young and healthy skin.

Its consumption and cutaneous use help to minimize the negative effects of the sun and toxins. And therefore avoids the premature appearance of wrinkles.

7. Gelatin for anxiety and stress relief

The glycine contained in this ingredient also acts as a natural calming agent, which slows down the excessive production of norepinephrine. A hormone linked to anxiety and panic states.

When absorbed, the body balances the activity of the nervous system, and slows down stress hormones.

8. It repairs the intestinal wall

The gelatin compounds are useful in reducing the permeability of the intestine. Because it repairs the intestinal wall which is irritated because of food intolerances and certain diseases.

This quality helps to improve the process of absorption of nutrients from food. Thus, it is key to keeping the body in top condition.

9. Gelatin to get to sleep

Gelatin to get some sleep.

Patients who suffer from insomnia or sleep disturbances can cope with these problems by adding a small portion of gelatin to their diet.

Essential amino acids and minerals increase the production of melatonin, a hormone that enables good sleep.

10. She fights excess weight

Thanks to its low calorie content and high levels of good quality protein, this ingredient is a good supplement for people trying to lose weight.

These substances curb the insatiable desire to ingest calories and increase energy expenditure during physical activities.

11. It accelerates the healing of wounds

The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of this food are helpful in speeding up healing of both internal and external wounds.

It is recommended for the recovery of superficial skin lesions and disorders such as ulcers.

To conclude, even if it is used in cooking, gelatin is an ingredient with multiple benefits for the body.

Motivate yourself to consume it regularly and take advantage of all its properties!

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