2 Minutes Of Meditation To Improve Your Health!

Meditation is the key to maintaining balance between body and mind. We must not forget that a stressed body is more vulnerable to disease, because the immune system is weakened.

We have almost all heard that diseases originate in our brains. That a negative person, imbued with pessimistic ideas, is more prone to get sick than those who take life on the bright side and with optimism. 

It is a fact that there are genetic factors that we cannot escape, but everything suggests that a healthy mind will allow the body to be healthy too!

2 minutes of meditation per day …

This is why it is fundamental that we can devote 2 minutes a day to meditate deeply, forgetting the daily problems, to be in tune with our inner world in order to erase any wrong attitude that we may have or any negative emotion that we have. could feel during the day.

It may sound incredible, but it is amazing how a simple change in attitude can transform our lives. A stressed body  is more vulnerable and more prone to disease because the immune system is weakened:  let’s say our soldiers have let their guard down.

If you really start to see meditation as a way to achieve a balance between body and mind, you will have taken a big step forward!

Breathe deeply…meditation

By accompanying your meditation with slow, deep breathing, you will get even more good.

Very often in our daily life, and without our realizing it, we breathe poorly and we do not allow the oxygen, so necessary for our cells, to enter our lungs correctly: our blood thus does not receive all the oxygen. which he needs.

Oxygen is an essential element for our well-being. Through meditation, we manage to reduce our heart rate, so that our heart works more harmoniously. You will see how your contractures gradually diminish, as well as that feeling of constant tension that was inside you.

Know yourself …

It might seem a little illogical to say that through meditation one can come to know oneself more every day. But it is absolutely true that we very often feel sad or dissatisfied without being able to understand the cause.

Now, what happens is that with so many concerns and obligations, our inner self is forgotten, and we become machines that ignore their basic needs, and this is mainly what makes us unhappy.

We live by the dictates of society, of what to do or not to do, armed with an agenda. Is your life really as you would like it to be? Do you not live like this to please others?

Seek to help yourself through daily meditation and be sure that you will find the answers within yourself. Remember, it’s never too late to walk the path to happiness, and don’t be afraid to discover your true inner self!

Learn to love and believe in yourself.meditation

Learn to know your inner world and to love yourself. It is indeed only in this way that you will be able to manifest yourself as the wonderful human being that you are.

So that others can love you, start by doing it yourself. In order for others to respect you, you must first respect yourself. And so is it for people to believe in you, to demonstrate all your abilities and enjoy a full and fearless life, facing challenges and cultivating your natural talents.

To achieve this, practice meditation. It has wonderful effects. It eliminates all obstacles between body and mind and manages to make them work in perfect harmony. Meditation also drives out negative thoughts and leaves room for positive ideas.

You and your family will feel happy and content with this change. Make up your mind and discover day after day the extraordinarily positive effects of meditation in your life! And in this way, you will find the inner peace that you long for.

Note: Your meditation session can go as you wish. However, we recommend that you put on soft music and use a room scent that you like, without forgetting of course to choose a quiet and dimly lit atmosphere.

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