25 Foods To Lose Weight Without Losing Energy

To lose weight without losing energy, you can include whole grain bread in your diet. Also, don’t forget to consume seeds and dried fruits!

To lose weight and lose extra pounds, we often think first of all about eliminating carbohydrates and all types of fats.

However, nutritionists tell us that these are two fundamental mistakes. Do you want to know why?

Carbohydrates are a vital source of energy for our bodies and brains, as are unsaturated fats, also known as “good fats”, which are necessary for the health of our cells and heart.

When starting a diet, it is important to know what types of foods you can eat. S years set aside the sources of energy we all need every day to take care of our health, and to feel good.

We will explain to you which foods can help you lose weight without losing your energy!

1. Eggs

Eggs to lose weight.

Many people eliminate eggs from their diet for fear that they will cause them to gain weight and increase their bad LDL cholesterol levels.

Consumed in moderation, eggs are an essential source of protein for our body, and in particular for our muscles.

This is because most of the time when we lose weight, the skin becomes saggy.

You can easily avoid this phenomenon by consuming more protein, and doing some exercise to strengthen your muscles.

We therefore recommend that you do not go without eggs in your weight loss diet, for the following reasons:

  • They are satiating, perfect for breakfast in particular.
  • Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods around. 
  • If they don’t raise bad cholesterol, they even have the ability to convert bad LDL cholesterol molecules into good HDL cholesterol molecules. 
  • They contain a large amount of antioxidants,  such as lutein and zeaxhantin.

2. Good fats and oils

In your diet, you don’t have to forgo fat entirely in order to lose weight.

However, instead of consuming red meat, industrial pastries, or ready meals high in saturated or trans fats, opt for unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats instead.

Their benefits are as follows:

  • They help us to strengthen the physiology of the cell membrane.
  • Allow us to absorb vitamins.
  • Provide energy.
  • They provide more strength to our cells and help us burn fatty acids in our body, such as glucose from cell mitochondria. 

Take note of foods rich in healthy fats that will help you lose weight without losing energy:

  • The lawyers
  • Coconut oil
  • Cod liver
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Nuts
  • Chia seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds

3. The fish

If you want to lose weight in a healthy way while taking care of your heart and brain, don’t forget to include blue fish in your diet.

It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, essential nutrients and protein, which will help you maintain your energy levels while losing weight.

During weight loss diets, it is common to be in a bad mood more often.

We lose some vitality and we become sad, especially when the results are slow to appear.

This discouragement is caused by a deficit in vitamins and minerals.

It is therefore important to include energy foods in our diet, because they will take care of our state of mind.

Blue fish, for example, decreases the risk of slipping into depression and suffering from many mental illnesses.

How about preparing yourself the following delicious fish throughout the week?

  • The salmon
  • Trout
  • Sardines
  • Cod

4. The best vegetables

Vegetables to lose weight.

The best vegetables that will help us lose weight without losing energy are those that are rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins.

In addition to being energetic, they will help us take care of the health of our heart, and quickly reach a feeling of satiety. 

To digest them well and lose weight more easily, it is advisable  to always consume raw vegetables, cut into very thin strips.

The best vegetables for weight loss are:

  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Onions
  • Peppers

5. Seeds, whole grains and dried fruits to lose weight

Any slimming diet should include bread. Do not think that this food will make you fat, because bread is fundamental to obtain the level of energy that we need on a daily basis.

It provides us with essential carbohydrates for our heart and for our whole body.

You should remember that it is important to include 30 grams of fiber in your daily diet.

You should therefore choose a wholemeal bread, which contains whole grains, and not refined flour.

In addition, don’t forget that seeds and dried fruits have many benefits for you. They are rich in vitamin E, magnesium and calcium.

They are natural sources of energy very suitable for all slimming diets.

By including the following foods in your diet, you will benefit from exceptional energy while losing weight: 

  • Rye bread
  • Brown rice
  • Almonds
  • Nuts
  • Hazelnut
  • Sun-flower seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds

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