4 Apple Smoothies For A Flat Stomach

Apple smoothies not only allow you to be healthier, but also to display a flat stomach.

We all have a variety of apple that we love more than others. Some are sweeter, others more acidic. Thus, it is possible to make apple smoothies to have a flatter stomach.
If you have a little time and want to prepare a dietary supplement that helps shed the extra pounds you have accumulated in your stomach, then apple smoothies are a great option.
This fruit is low in calories and, paradoxically, gives us a great feeling of satiety. Apples are also detoxifying: they help lower cholesterol, regulate intestinal transit, take care of our heart health and also keep our liver in good shape.

It is therefore recommended to take advantage of their virtues on a daily basis, especially through natural drinks. As we told you in the introduction, it is essential that you opt for apples from organic farming.

This is a great way to get the most of their virtues, because it is in their skin that the greatest concentration of nutrients is found. So make sure the apples you are going to use do not contain pesticides.

In the rest of this article, we will introduce you to 4 apple smoothies. Choose the one you like the most and keep in mind to always eat a varied and balanced diet.

The results will be visible in just a few weeks.

1. The green apple and flaxseed smoothie

As you already know, flax seeds and flaxseed are ingredients that have become very popular in recent years. They are rich in fiber, antioxidants and are the greatest source of omega-3 fatty acids of plant origin.

Combining powdered flax seeds with green apple will reduce the fat stored in our belly, while taking care of our health.

Take careful note of the recipe for this smoothie.


  • 1 green apple
  • Glass of vegetable oat drink (200 ml)
  • Spoonful of powdered flaxseed (10 g)


  • The first thing to do is to wash the green apple well. The ideal is to use your skin as well. Then cut it in four and remove the seeds it contains.
  • Once you have completed this operation, place the apple pieces in the blender, along with the oatmeal drink. Blend for a few seconds, then pour the mixture into a glass.
  • Finally, don’t forget to sprinkle your smoothie with a little flaxseed.

Apple smoothies are wonderful drinks!

2. A banana, cinnamon and almond smoothie


  • 1 apple
  • Glass of vegetable oat drink (200 ml)
  • 10 chopped almonds
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (3 g)


This apple, almond and cinnamon smoothie is ideal to start the day. In addition to being very energetic, it will activate our metabolism and reduce our blood sugar level, thanks to the action of cinnamon.

It is also good for intestinal transit and satiating. What more ?

Give it a try and see the effects it can have on you. We guarantee that its flavor is simply delicious.

  • The first thing to do, as in all of our recipes, is to wash the apple well, then cut it into wedges.
  • Make sure you already have chopped almonds at home, to make the task easier and be able to prepare your smoothie in a snap.
  • Put the oats, apple quarters and chopped almonds in your blender, then mix everything well.
  • Serve in a suitable glass, then sprinkle with cinnamon.

What do you think ? We told you, apple smoothies are delicious. 

3. The green apple, kiwi and coconut water smoothie

This smoothie is ideal to taste it. If you add chilled coconut water to this mixture, you will have an incredibly healthy natural drink.

By combining apple with kiwi, you will get vitamin C, vitamin B6, fiber, folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, phytonutrients and many antioxidants.

Take note of the recipe for this exceptional smoothie.


  • Apple
  • Glass of coconut water (200 ml)
  • Kiwi
  • 2 ice cubes


You can buy coconut water in health food stores or even supermarkets. It is very nutritious and ideal for all diets aimed at losing weight.

  • First, peel the kiwi, then cut it into quarters. As you know, wash the apple and cut it into quarters.
  • Then put all the ingredients in the blender, then mix until you get a homogeneous texture.
  • Add the ice cubes only when your mixture is ready and served.
  • If you want to sweeten this smoothie even more, you can also use a little stevia or honey, but especially no white sugar.

4. The apple, pineapple, mint and lemon smoothie

Other type of apple smoothie

We will conclude our article on apple smoothies by offering you a drink with slimming virtues, but which is also very useful for us to relax.

It uses the properties of menthol in mint, pineapple bromelain and apple pectin, a substance that helps regulate our heart rate and increase serotonin production.

Do not hesitate to try this smoothie. We are sure it will surprise you.


  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 2 pineapple rings
  • 1/2 green apple
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 5 fresh peppermint leaves
  • 2 ice cubes


  • First squeeze the juice of half a lemon, then cut two pineapple slices.
  • Then put them in your blender, with the half green apple, the glass of water and the mint leaves.
  • This smoothie is so easy to prepare, it will be ready in just 5 minutes. Once you have achieved the texture you desire, serve.
  • Finally add the two ice cubes.
  • You just have to taste it!

So, are you going to be able to resist apple smoothies?

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