4 Herbs To Relieve Stomach Gas

The gases accumulated in the intestine produce abdominal pain and distension. This annoying situation can be alleviated by using some natural remedies like the herbs that we offer you.

Many people often suffer from digestive problems and seek remedies to relieve stomach gas and other discomforts. That is why it can be very useful to know some  herbal remedies that help to prevent and fight them naturally.

Discover in this article the 4 most effective plants for relieving stomach gas. We will discuss the scientifically verified benefits  of fennel, chamomile, Ceylon cinnamon and ginger. Find out more in the rest of this article!

Herbs to relieve stomach gas

The excess gas accumulated in our gastrointestinal tract  can lead to gas, belching and abdominal distension. The causes can be many and varied, from an intolerance to certain foods to an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine.

In addition to visiting the doctor if gas is frequent, we can also use some natural remedies. These can relieve stomach gas with a trick as simple as an herbal tea. Try them out and check their effect on your digestion. We will detail them for you in the rest of this article.

 1. Fennel

An infusion of fennel to relieve stomach gas

First of all, one of the most famous remedies for relieving stomach gas is fennel. Its seeds, roots and leaves are a remedy in many countries to  improve digestion and combat abdominal distension after eating.

Fennel has carminative properties. This means that it  facilitates the expulsion of gases from the digestive tract in the event of gas. Also, it helps relieve abdominal pain. It helps evacuation and can stop diarrhea.

Finally, fennel is the ideal remedy for  reducing the intensity of colic in babies. A study suggests using an emulsion of oil from its seeds in babies under 12 weeks old. This treatment could help reduce intestinal spasms and increase small bowel activity.

2. Chamomile to relieve stomach gas

Chamomile is the infusion that is always present in the cupboards of our kitchen. This herbal remedy is a digestive relaxant  that is often taken when the nerves touch the stomach. Besides helping with gas, it is also effective against diarrhea, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, as well as colic in children.

This flower has been used since Antiquity to treat gastrointestinal disorders  thanks to its digestive, carminative, antispasmodic and sedative properties. We can take it as an infusion or use its essential oil. In this case, it should be diluted in a vegetable oil (almond, coconut, olive, etc.) and perform a massage of the abdomen.

3. Ceylon cinnamon

Cinnamon is effective in relieving stomach gas

Of all the varieties of cinnamon, here we are interested in Ceylon cinnamon ( Cinnamomum zeylanicum). It is indeed the most interesting from a medical point of view. This aromatics  is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiabetic or even anticarcinogenic.

Cinnamon, thanks to these virtues, is a powerful digestive remedy. It is effective in preventing and relieving gas, gas and indigestion. In addition, it promotes the proper functioning of the liver and it can prevent the appearance of parasites in the intestine.

How to consume it? Cinnamon has the great advantage of being able to be used  in a large number of dishes, both savory and sweet. We recommend adding it to your stews to give them more flavor. Not to mention a touch of cinnamon in all your desserts.

4. Ginger

Finally, we will discuss a spice of oriental origin but which is now very popular around the world. Ginger,  known for its intense, spicy and refreshing taste, is a gastronomic classic but also a remedy for several types of diseases.

At the digestive level, the ginger rhizome could help relieve stomach gas. It is also effective in  treating diarrhea and preventing stomach ulcers. We can take it fresh or dry, as an infusion or juice or as a supplement.

You now know the properties of these 4 medicinal plants that will help you prevent and relieve gas. Make sure you always have them on hand to aid digestion and improve your quality of life.

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