4 Natural Ways To Remove Lime In The Bathroom

You can easily get rid of lime traces in your bathroom using the following techniques. All of them use natural products that you will have no trouble finding, and at a lower cost. 

Removing lime scale from the bathroom with products like baking soda and lemon juice can be a good alternative when we don’t have the usual cleaning products or want to try new formulas.

The bathroom is one of the areas of the house that gets dirty the most. It is in fact in permanent contact with water and does not have the same ventilation capacity as the rest of the rooms. In addition, its dirt intensifies when limestone appears, the enemy of faucets, showers and partitions.

Some people like to have their bathroom sparkling cleanliness . If this is your case,  take note of the advice we will give you to remove lime from the bathroom  , with some natural products. But first, let’s see what limestone is and what causes it.

What and what causes tartar?

Tartar is made up of calcium accumulations  that cause stains in the various elements of your bathroom.

The water that comes out of the bathroom faucet contains several minerals  , such as iron and magnesium, in addition to  calcium  aforementioned. These are often splashed and accumulated on these surfaces. This is how these white or yellowish spots are generated which often flood bathrooms.

Another consequence of the accumulation of minerals in the water is the rust that we can observe in certain areas of the bathroom. When the iron in water comes into contact with air, it oxidizes and leaves traces.

Natural recipes to remove lime from the bathroom

As with all cleaning processes, it  It is possible to obtain products to remove lime from the bathroom without leaving the house. Do you know them and do you know how to take advantage of these alternatives? Read on to find them all!

1. Baking soda and vinegar or lemon juice to remove limescale


Simply with these ingredients and a sponge, you will be able to remove lime from the sink, almost instantly. Are you wondering how? Follow the next steps.

  • On a wet sponge, place a little baking soda. Wipe the sponge over the stained surfaces.
  • Rinse the sponge, then iron on the same surfaces to remove the baking soda.
  • To remove stains from the edges of the faucet, apply vinegar or natural lemon juice, then rub with a paper on the area in question.
  • Cover the stained area with paper, and let sit overnight. The next morning, using a sponge, remove the stains that have not gone away.
  • You can use this technique for tiling.

Baking soda is very useful for cleaning all kinds of surfaces without damaging them. Plus, just like vinegar and lemon, baking soda kills bacteria without being toxic. However, avoid using this product on aluminum, as aluminum oxidizes on contact with bicarbonate.

2. Vinegar to remove lime from the bowl 

The toilet bowl is the area of ​​the bathroom with the most bacteria. In order to prevent a number of diseases caused by these bacteria, it is essential to clean the toilet frequently.

If you want to remove limescale from the bathroom and, more specifically, your toilet, here is an effective method. Again you will use  lemon juice  or vinegar at first, given its already detailed properties.

Some people drain the water from the bowl so that the effect of these liquids is enhanced, but this is not a required step. Simply apply one of these two products, and let sit for a few hours.

If the stains persist, you can rub with sandpaper or a rag. You may need to repeat the operation.

If that doesn’t work, use a pumice stone to remove the stains from the bowl. Remember to wet the stone. Otherwise you risk breaking the porcelain. Rub, and voila, problem solved.

3. Coca-Cola to remove lime from the bathroom


Although it sounds amazing, you can use a cola type drink can. If you are going to remove lime scale from the bowl using this technique, follow the instructions below.

  • Flush the toilet so that the water is as clean as possible.
  • Pour the contents of the can into the bowl, then leave to act for half an hour. In this way, the components of the drink will easily dissolve the accumulated dirt.
  • Clean with a special toilet brush, then flush the toilet from time to time until the water turns white.

Keep in mind that since this product contains a large amount of  sugar , while it helps cleanse, it also leaves sticky areas. Therefore, it is recommended to clean it again after use with other cleaning products.

4. Eliminate lime on the mirrors

Bathroom mirrors can be splashed and, as a result, have limescale. However, removing it is quite easy.

You just need to dilute  vinegar  white in water  (the ratio is one part vinegar to four part water) and spray it on the mirrors. Then wipe it off and voila, the white spots will be gone!

On the other hand, if you want to avoid the appearance of lime, you can achieve this by installing filters that remove minerals from the water and cleaning your bathroom daily – one minute is enough – so that the lime does not accumulate. nowhere.

A clean house is a healthy space

Keeping your interior clean isn’t easy, but the less time you spend, the easier it will be. Use these techniques to remove limescale from the bathroom, and then you just have to spend a little of your time every day to keep that room dry.

A clean house is a healthy space. So continue to bet on hygiene, order and ventilation. Your health will thank you!

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