4 Stretches That Will Help You Correct Your Posture

Observing your body will help you correct your posture and thus avoid the onset of pain or alleviate those already present.

Back pain and muscle pain are common ailments in adults. Routine and stress can create tension in muscles and affect posture. This is why we offer you 4 stretches here to correct your posture.

The human body is a perfect machine made up of several gears, which is why it is essential to pay special attention to each member of the body and to the pain experienced.

Do you have back, hip, shoulder and head pain? These warning signs can indicate that you are not adopting good physical posture. So you need to correct your posture.

Although it sounds incredible, body posture can affect the body’s internal organs, breathing, and digestion.

This is due to the tension of the muscles, which are responsible for maintaining balance and upright posture as well as for facilitating movement of the body.

Poor posture can lead to the onset of certain ailments, such as scoliosis, torticollis, kyphosis, low back pain or tendonitis of the shoulders which, in the most severe cases, require the help of a specialist.

Fortunately, it is possible to relieve these symptoms with a few simple stretches that must be done regularly.

Muscles change the orientation of bones. This includes, of course, the backbone that is our support. For this reason, the work must begin with the muscles.

Discover here 4 very effective stretches to correct your posture… It’s up to you!

1. Correct your back posture with a neck stretch

neck stretches for good posture


  • Stand up straight with your feet parallel. The gap between the feet should match the gap between the hips.
  • Pull your chin back using your fingers.
  • Count to three, then release.

The benefits

  • This stretch strengthens the muscles of the neck.
  • It reduces pain in the neck.
  • It improves back posture.

2. Stretching the arms behind the back

arm stretches for good posture


  • Place your arms back and intertwine your fingers.
  • Slowly raise your arms until you feel the stretch in your chest. Don’t put too much strain on your muscles. If it hurts, relax a bit.

The benefits

  • This stretch corrects the posture of bent shoulders.
  • It releases tension in the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

3. Stretching arms against a wall

  • Stand near a wall and extend one of your arms horizontally so that the palm of your hand is against the wall.
  • Apply gentle pressure as you turn your body away from the direction of the arm you are stretching.
  • Hold the position for ten seconds and repeat the exercise with the other arm.

The benefits

  • This exercise helps to stretch the pectoral muscles.
  • It releases tension in the shoulders.
  • It alleviates pain in the shoulders.

4. Hip adductor stretch

  • Sit on the floor and place your legs in a butterfly position .
  • Bring the soles of your feet together and bring your feet as close to your body as you can without it being too painful.
  • Hold the position for twenty seconds.

The benefits

  • This stretch reduces pelvic tilt.
  • It reduces the bent back.
  • It relieves pain in the hips and lower back.

With these stretches, not only will you correct your posture, but you will also relieve muscle pain.

These stretches will also help reduce stress, reduce the risk of injury, and improve your fitness.

Do these stretches every day for satisfactory results. Remember that your body is used to bad posture. He will therefore need time to get used to the new postures.

Being aware of your body is essential to detect the postures that cause pain. It is not easy to correct a hunched back or drooping shoulders just by thinking about it.

You need to observe your body and do regular stretches. However, if your posture problem is more serious, you may need specialist help.

Either way, take care of your fitness. It will also help you improve your self-esteem. Having good posture helps build self-confidence. 

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