5 Benefits Of Bananas You Didn’t Know

Bananas contain starch, which, according to various surveys, increases our feeling of fullness. It can help us eat less and lose weight.

Still don’t know the benefits of bananas? Bananas are a tropical fruit that combines energy, minerals and vitamins, and is suitable for all kinds of diets, including weight loss diets.

This food is one of the most consumed in the world and also one of the healthiest. This time, we will talk about 5 benefits of this fruit that you may not have known.

What are the benefits of bananas?

A bunch of bananas.

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits, both among children and adults. This is due to its delicious taste combined with its ease of consumption: just peel off the skin and you’re done!

However, sometimes we see publications that do not recommend this fruit if we are on a diet, as it is considered to be very high in calories. This is due to its carbohydrate content.

As the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition indicates , bananas contain 20% carbohydrates which, as the fruit ripens, are transformed into sugars. This is why many consider that it is not good for the health and that it makes you fat.

However, as this institution says, these sugars are simple and unrefined. Therefore, in their proper measure, they can be beneficial for the organism, providing us with energy.

In addition to carbohydrates, bananas also contain significant amounts of potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A and C, and fiber, among other nutrients. This makes it a fruit that can bring us multiple benefits. So here are 5 benefits of bananas. Take note!

1. Promotes cardiovascular health

A blocked artery.

Hypertension is a fairly common disease in developed countries. It consists of an increase in the force of the blood on the arterial walls. Also, you can have high blood pressure for years without realizing it, which gradually damages your blood vessels and heart.

Although diet is not a direct cause of this problem, it is a risk factor. Too much sodium (salt) and too little potassium can make the disease worse.

In fact, according to a study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension , reducing sodium and increasing potassium in the diet helps reduce symptoms and may even help prevent the development of hypertension.

Therefore, it is more than advisable to add bananas, a rich source of potassium, to your diet to take care of your heart health.

2. Regulation of sugar levels

We have said that bananas contain fiber. One of its soluble fibers is pectin which, according to some studies, can help us regulate blood sugar.

Indeed, it promotes the metabolism of glucose, which contributes to its elimination through the urine. Bananas can therefore be a very beneficial fruit that should not be missing in the diet of a person with diabetes.

3. Improved digestion

A woman having a stomach ache.

The next benefit of bananas is also related to fiber. A study published in the journal Nutrients , which reported on the various properties of this nutrient, demonstrated its benefits for the gastrointestinal system.

Fiber helps regulate the intestinal flora and improves digestion. So, consuming foods containing fiber like bananas can help us avoid digestive system disorders like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome etc.

4. Bananas, a source of antioxidants

Several studies have analyzed the antioxidant capacity of this fruit. The conclusion has always been the same: bananas are rich in antioxidants. Among them are beta-carotenes, vitamin A or galocatechin.

But why is this positive? Quite simply because antioxidants have several functions in our body. This is because they help prevent or delay certain damage to cells, which reduces the risk of certain diseases.

5. Helps in weight loss

First of all, we want to make it clear that the only way to lose weight in a healthy way is to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. However, bananas can be one of those fruits that you want to include in your diet.

First of all because, as we have seen, it contains few calories, but also large amounts of starch. According to several studies, this substance is linked to a greater feeling of fullness, which reduces our appetite.

In fact, these same studies recommend its consumption to people suffering from obesity, to help them lose weight. Therefore, if you want to lose weight in a healthy way, we recommend that you include this fruit in your diet. She can become a great ally.

How to take advantage of the benefits of bananas?

Banana and chocolate rolls.

Now that you know many of the benefits of bananas, we hope you will incorporate it into your diet. It can help your digestive and cardiovascular system… and so easily!

In addition, it is a delicious fruit that you can eat on its own, but also in delicious recipes. There are many dishes to which you can add bananas : fruit salads, salads, cookies… The possibilities are enormous.

So you have no excuse not to include this fruit in your diet and start enjoying all that it can give you, as you have seen. Try ! You will adopt it.

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