5 Cares For Your Skin During Menopause

In addition to moisturizing the skin from the inside and the outside, it is fundamental, during menopause, to strengthen the cleansing of the dermis to eliminate all toxins.

Have you been told that at menopause your skin will suffer big changes and you are afraid that it will happen?

In fact, you don’t have to be afraid of menopause, because it is a natural stage in a woman’s life.

From the age of 40 your body will begin to change. Most importantly, your ovaries will stop producing reproductive hormones and you will no longer have a period.

When that moment arrives, it will be accompanied by mood swings, less soft and less smooth skin. Many women fear the onset of menopause because they think they will look less beautiful.

The good news is, you don’t have to resign yourself to having bad skin during menopause. Quite the contrary: there are many options to restore the skin and we offer them to you below.

  1. Detoxify your skin

One of the most effective options for taking care of your skin during menopause is to keep it detoxified.

Although we are not always aware of it, throughout our day our skin comes in contact with a large amount of harmful elements.

The ideal is that since your childhood you adopted the habit of cleaning your face every day. However, we know you may have other concerns.

Now that you are starting to notice changes, it is important that you get the pores on your face to breathe.

From dust to perspiration, all of these elements can cause damage to deep areas of the skin. To prevent them from affecting you, you must make sure to eliminate these substances every day.

You can do this every day by cleansing your face. You can choose between a commercial makeup remover, washing with neutral soap and lukewarm water, or you can use a natural oil to clean your face. The important thing is to clean it every day.

Also, once a week you need to make sure to exfoliate your skin. This process is vital to remove dead cells and cleanse the pores of impurities in depth. At the same time, you will stimulate cell renewal.

2. Protect yourself from the sun during menopause

While daily exposure to the sun is fundamental to getting the vitamin D we need, we should always do so using a fair amount of sunscreen.

This way, the skin can absorb what it needs without running the risk of developing any type of skin cancer. In addition, remember that:

  • The best times for sunbathing are before noon and after 3 p.m.
  • You should always have water on hand for when you are thirsty.
  • The sunscreen must have a protection factor (SPF) of at least 35.

3. Bring natural fats to your skin during menopause

moisturize your skin during menopause good fats

It would be normal that as you grow older, you have more confidence in yourself and that you get to know yourself better. However, your hormones do not keep up with this change.

During menopause estrogen decreases, and your skin is affected.

The decrease in estrogen causes the following consequences on your skin:

  • Thinner
  • Dehydrated
  • Wrinkled

Fortunately, eating certain foods helps provide hydration and healthy natural fats. This is the case with avocado and salmon which can reduce the problem.

4. Increase your intake of foods rich in collagen

During menopause, your skin also stops producing the normal amount of collagen. Although this decrease happens gradually, you will also start to notice the effects very early on.

You will thus note:

  • A slight sagging at the level of the neck, the lines of the mandible and the cheeks.
  • The appearance of small wrinkles on the anterior area (at the level of sagging skin).
  • The increase in wrinkles on the upper part of the lips.

If you are suffering from this problem, you can apply collagen directly to your skin.

For this, it will suffice to take collagen capsules and apply the content to the skin with a light circular massage. Just make sure it’s good quality collagen.

Another option is to consume foods that provide this nutrient in a natural way.

Among them we find:

  • Fish (salmon, tuna, oysters)
  • Vegetables (tomato, carrots, spinach, cucumber, peppers, garlic)
  • Raspberries
  • Egg
  • Soy
  • White tea

5. Moisturize your skin during menopause from the inside and out

hydration of the skin during menopause

After menopause, your skin is very dry because the glands responsible for producing fat in the epidermis are deactivated. To prevent this from happening, it is important to:

Drink enough water

Remember that drinking two liters of water a day is a minimum for the body to perform all of its functions. In addition to hydrating you, water has the ability to flush toxins from the body.

Eat foods that naturally hydrate you

Products like cucumber and tomato are rich in water. When you consume them in large amounts, you make sure you make up for the hydration you are lacking by not drinking enough water.

Apply good quality moisturizers

Good quality moisturizers can replace the collagen, fat, and water your skin loses during menopause.

It would be better to prepare your own cream with natural elements like mineral oils and rose water.

If you want to take an industrial one, make sure it is of very good quality.

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