5 Filling Foods To Include In Your Breakfast To Lose Weight

Satiating foods are the best alternative to start the day because, in addition to avoiding snacking between meals, they provide us with multiple nutrients to face the day with energy.

Starting the day in a good mood and with energy is not always easy. However, something as simple as making breakfast for ourselves with satiating, nutrient-dense foods will help us face the day in the best possible way.

In fact, we are sure that more than once you have left your home having had a good breakfast and, after an hour, felt an emptiness in your stomach. We are so hungry that it is impossible for us to concentrate.

What is happening to us? It is very likely that if our breakfast is based only on sugary products, white bread, cheese or industrial juices, hunger will arise like a voracious enemy in no time.

Poor nutrition in the early hours of the day involves snacking. It leads us irreparably to a weight gain that we could avoid.

We invite you to make some small and delicious changes. We suggest that from today you include one of these foods in your breakfast. In this way, you will notice it on your figure and your general well-being.

1. Avocado, one of the best satiating foods

We only need half an avocado a day, no more and no less. It’s the perfect portion to get the right protein and those healthy fatty acids that take care of our heart.

Far from what many people think, avocado will not make us gain weight. In addition, it is a delicious fruit that will help us reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

Do not hesitate to combine it with other fruits or to crush it on a slice of rye bread.

2. Eggs are good for your heart

filling foods to include in your breakfast: eggs

Like everything in food, the key is in balance and moderation. Eggs are, as we know, a protein and calorie food. However, we can consume between 4 and 5 eggs per week without any problem.

  • Something very appetizing, like making ourselves an omelet or a hard-boiled egg for breakfast, will help us lose weight.
  • They satiate us, nourish us and in addition, they are the mediators of our heart health.
  • We cannot forget that eggs contain lecithin, a kind of fat that promotes the proper balance between good and bad cholesterol, and also prevents it from sticking to the walls of our arteries.

3. Oats, the best for your breakfast

Both oats and oatmeal are a fabulous option for enjoying a full and healthy breakfast. The possibilities when it comes to preparing it are endless and all of them are delicious.

  • Oats are a slow absorbing food that is very low in calories but high in soluble fiber. If we get used to consuming it every day, we will avoid constipation and enjoy an exceptional internal balance.
  • Likewise, we cannot forget that this cereal has fabulous nutrients to allow us to last until lunch with the right energy.

Enjoy oats by combining it with the right foods. Your figure will thank you!

4. Papaya, very digestive

filling foods to include in your breakfast: papaya

Soft on the palate, delicious and with a flavor similar to that of melon. Papaya is that fruit that makes you want to eat at any time of the day. However, the best time is undoubtedly at breakfast.

  • Papaya is, above all, very digestive. Thanks to one of its enzymes, papain, we relieve inflammation or that stomach pain with which we get up on certain days.
  • In addition, it is one of the best satiating foods ideal for obtaining a good source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber.
  • Papaya helps us fight constipation, lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels.

If you want to prepare yourself a fabulous breakfast, do not hesitate to mix some Greek yogurt, with papaya and some nuts. A delight !

5. Tomatoes, a gift for your health

There are many varieties of tomatoes. However, they are all recommended when it comes to taking care of our health and promoting weight loss.

Why not include it in our breakfasts? It’s a sensational proposition worth trying.

  • You can combine a tomato with a little avocado, a few eggs and even crush them on a toast with a little olive oil.
  • Tomatoes don’t just help prevent premature aging. This food contains 94% water, which gives it a fabulous satiating effect to start the day.
  • On the other hand, lycopene, this antioxidant which gives it this red color, gives it a great cardio protective effect.
  • Also remember to consume it with the skin on. This is how we will benefit from its fibers, which are very good for weight loss and improve our digestion.

To conclude, enjoying a full and nutritious breakfast is easy if we look for the right foods. Remember that they are always fresh and organic to benefit from their natural virtues.

You can accompany these filling foods with a cup of coffee and natural juice, if you wish.

Start taking better care of yourself today.

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