5 Psychological Tips To Get Other People’s Attention To You

Many people wonder how to get other people’s attention.

To build attraction and gain attention, it is essential to be empathetic. It is also important to be ourselves and to have our own identity, without wanting to look like what we are not.

It is the authentic attraction, what settles in our mind, the one that intrigues us, moves us and fills us with curiosity. It goes much further from the simple physical envelope, of a face, of the eyes, of a body.

Culturally, we are biased towards beauty, because we believe that all that is beautiful is good, that the one who enjoys an intense physical attraction hides, also, fabulous personal qualities.

However, as we age and accumulate experience in our vital vault, we realize that this correlation is not always valid.

In reality, it is much more intense and meaningful to be able to live with this other type of attraction in which two spirits harmonize in pleasures, values ​​and projects.

However, today we wish to focus on this restricted area of ​​the simple “power of attraction”. One that we can exercise every day and that focuses on a series of interesting strategies that we can all develop.

Below we bring you 5 psychological tips that will help you grab attention.

  1. The real attraction lies in personal safety. Be authentic!

tips for attracting attention

Self-confident people captivate and attract. However, be careful, because this security and self-confidence should never fall into pride or on the borders of narcissism.

  • The healthiest personal security is when you know your virtues and strengthen them, but you also need to be aware of your limitations and have the ability to recognize them and try to improve them every day.
  • On the other hand, personal security in turn feeds on other basic and essential dimensions.

Among these we can find good self-esteem and this combination where we include a certain humility with which we are much more accessible and close to others.

It is in this balance between these dimensions that the authentic magic is found.

2. Be your own brand, being different from others is an advantage to discover

In a world of equal people, difference attracts. However, sometimes many of us come to think that being different means being apart, criticized or even relegated from society.

  • Having an aquiline nose, a few extra pounds, a not very harmonious face, being too tall, being too small… All of this may initially appear to be genuine obstacles for one to think of attracting others.
  • But, all of these aspects must be accompanied by personal safety.
  • We must also squander this closeness and show the world that we are unique, that we have our own trademark and we are happy as we are…

Let us learn in this way, to take advantage of our peculiarities.

3. The power of non-verbal language to attract attention

Attraction begins with the gaze and by knowing how to connect to others through it.

In addition, it is necessary to learn to take care of our posture: crossed legs and arms are like walls when trying to generate confidence.

We must open the rank of our gestures to show tranquility. Use the hands to move, the smile to captivate, the head to approve and show interest, and the body to show confidence and closeness.

4. Empathetic communication

The person who is able to show closeness, who knows how to listen and who is able to establish emotional and cognitive empathy gradually generates a strong power of attraction.

On the contrary, those who tend to always speak for themselves with the idea of ​​“selling themselves” in front of the gallery, exulting supposed virtues, capacities and other fabulous skills, in reality generate unease and distance.

Also, we must learn to be close. Because the profiles who know how to be by showing authenticity, a sincere interest in the person they have in front, but without ever ceasing to be humble, are those who generate a strong and deep attraction.

5. Something unusual, a strange and unique touch to attract attention

woman who thinks

As we said in our article, one should not be obsessed with “agreeing”, with sharing things in common with the rest of the people.

Indeed, the only thing we will get will be to dissolve ourselves in the ocean of the ordinary, without ever standing out.

  • If we want to attract attention, that all eyes are on us, we must integrate a singular touch. It has to define us, it is something that will allow others to remember us or identify us.
  • We can be that person who likes the pin-up style, the one with the original hair, the classic shoes. Or that man with an elegant mustache, who wears a bow tie or who is always dressed oddly …

Being original must both harmonize with our physique and our way of being. We will never try to show something that does not correspond to our essence, something that takes us away from our identity.

To conclude, we need to know that these dimensions can and should be trained.

The majority of them come from self-knowledge. That is to say, it is only when we get to know each other that we will understand what we can put forward.

We will also be aware of our strengths and where this captivating magic is located. The one who is able to make others direct their gaze towards us.

Finally, don’t forget something essential: once the attraction is established, it must be maintained.

If you have confidence in yourself at all times, you will undoubtedly be able to have lasting and fruitful friendships, couples or professional relationships.

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