5 Reasons Why You Have Pain In Your Breasts

Have you ever thought that your diet could be one of the reasons for your breast pain? Try to cut down on certain foods to relieve these ailments.

Breast pain occurs when sensitivity increases with rubbing or pressure. Spontaneous pain may also occur, although it may be normal at the end of the cycle or during pregnancy.

Pain may appear in one or both breasts, or even in the armpit area. The intensity of the discomfort is variable and many explanations are possible.

Are you suffering from your breasts? We explain here the possible reasons.

1. Mastitis

Mastitis causes inflammation of the breasts. It mainly finds its origin in the obstruction of the milk ducts. Sometimes it can be due to an infection in the breast.

reasons you have breast pain: mastitis

In addition to pain, it can also be accompanied by:

  • Inflammation
  • General ill being
  • Fever
  • Breast tenderness
  • Redness
  • Feeling of hardness

The main cause of mastitis can be chapped nipples. This allows certain infectious organisms to enter it.

Having a weakened immune system or, during childbirth, leaving the mother exposed to certain organisms can also cause this problem.

To cure mastitis and the pain in the breasts that it causes, it is enough to follow the treatment indicated by the doctor. You also need to make sure your baby is feeding properly.

To prevent chapped nipples from appearing, you should express your milk every two hours and apply moisturizer.

2. Cysts in the breasts

This pain is very common in women. It is a benign lump of fluid that often appears due to hormonal issues.

They usually get bigger when the breasts change in size. Even if there is no apparent cause for their appearance, they can be very painful.

It is important to see a doctor to eliminate the problem with oral medication. In the majority of cases, these cysts can be treated without the need for surgery.

If the doctor considers this to be a serious problem, he or she may also prescribe more comprehensive treatment.

Don’t worry, this rarely happens and it is almost never a cancer that women fear so much.

If you have this problem, try to avoid certain foods like chocolate and sugary drinks. It is also recommended to add a vitamin E and B supplement.

3. Fibroids

Fibroids are benign tumors. First, you need to understand that tumors and cysts are not the same thing.

A tumor is the formation of cells that grow rapidly. It forms an excess of tissue, often hard and rigid.

Usually, benign breast fibroids appear as small millimeter balls.

These nodules vary depending on:

  • Hormonal activity
  • During the menstrual cycle
  • The pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding

Although they can sometimes be very large and require surgical extraction, fortunately in the majority of cases they go away with milder treatment.

4. Influence of diet on breast pain

There are also certain foods that can explain your breast pain. For example, foods high in fat, salt, or caffeine are great examples.

For this you must avoid them or reduce their consumption.

Among them are:

  • Chocolate
  • Dried fruits (nuts, peanuts, almonds)
  • Drinks containing caffeine (sodas, black tea, green tea)
  • Fast food
  • Popcorn and salted fries
  • Industrial sauces
  • Red meat and cold cuts

If even by reducing the consumption of these foods the pain in the breasts does not decrease, you should consult a specialist doctor. In addition, you should perform a monthly breast self-examination.

5. Menstruation

During the menstrual cycle you can suffer from many symptoms. One of them is those breast pain. This is a very sensitive area and can sometimes even become untouchable the days before or after this period.

Some women complain of a lot of pain, so much so that they can no longer bear the friction of clothes on their breasts or nipples.

Hormones are among the main protagonists in menstruation. But also in the changes that occur in your body during this period. Like general swelling, fatigue, or pain in the breasts.

reasons you have breast pain: hormones

Estrogen and progesterone are the two hormones involved which prepare a woman for a possible pregnancy.

They are responsible for causing premenstrual and menstrual symptoms like weight gain and painful swelling of the breasts.

To avoid these bothersome symptoms before or during menstruation, there are many methods. One of the most used is to use contraceptives such as the pill, patches, or rings, as they greatly reduce pain in the breasts.

Another good alternative is to limit the intake of caffeine, salt, animal fat, and other dairy products before the start of the period.

In summary, there are many reasons why your breasts make you suffer. Every woman is very different, and you shouldn’t think that a friend’s or family member’s situation is similar to yours. If you are in doubt, consult your doctor.

Remember that under no circumstances should you medicate yourself. Although some over-the-counter medications help initially, over-consuming them can make them less effective.

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