6 Morning Habits That Make You Gain Weight

Eating too much breakfast or not eating the right amount of food can influence weight gain, in addition to making activities difficult that we have to do in the early hours of the day.

It’s no secret that a balanced diet and regular exercise are the most effective ways to deal with excess weight and obesity. Likewise, there are morning habits that can make us fat.

Despite all this, some people fail to achieve the desired results. Over time, they become demotivated because they think it is useless.

However, beyond good daily practices, it is necessary to correct certain morning habits. Indeed, even if they seem harmless, they prevent weight loss.

Even if you don’t realize it, these habits interfere with metabolic activity. They then prevent optimal energy expenditure during the day.

Since we know many of you don’t know them, we’re going to walk you through the morning habits that make you fat.

Discover them!

1. Too much sleep

While sleeping less than 7 hours is linked to weight gain, sleeping too much is not the best option either.

Research was conducted in 2014. It found that people who sleep more than 10 hours in a row suffer from an increase in body mass.

Apparently, sleeping too much also increases cortisol levels. It is a hormone which, in addition to stress, leads to overeating.

Experts advise to sleep between 7 and 8 hours each day without interruptions to have a good quality of sleep.

2. Not receiving sunlight among bad morning habits

It seems, at first glance, that it has nothing to do with it. Yet everything indicates that sunlight is healthy for activating the metabolism in the early hours of the day.

Research has shown that waves of sunlight in the morning are healthy for providing energy to the body and kicking up metabolic activity.

Taking between 20 and 30 minutes of sun in the morning is sufficient for positive effects on the body mass index.

3. Not having a good breakfast

Not having breakfast among bad morning habits

One of the habits that most influences weight gain is eating a nutrient-poor breakfast in reduced proportions.

Breakfast is a meal and although some prefer to ignore it, it is essential for providing the body with the energies it needs to work during the day.

This meal should contain between 500 and 600 calories, distributed in the form of:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Antioxidants
  • Healthy fats
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

4. Waiting too long before having breakfast

Waiting too long before eating breakfast also affects weight gain.

The body needs energy to activate the functions of its main systems and even if it has reserves, these decrease considerably during the night.

In addition, the stomach feels empty and as a result, it increases the production of acidic juices and generates inflammation as well as symptoms of gastritis.

It is therefore recommended to eat during the first hour after getting up. And if possible, ingest a healthy drink like tea or lukewarm lemon water.

5. Do everything stubbornly and hastily among bad morning habits

The many activities that start from the first hour of the day often show our limits over time and that’s why we always end up doing everything in a hurry.

Although it can be used to accomplish all at once, doing it on a recurring basis increases the feeling of anxiety and the weight of the body.

Waking up 20 or 30 minutes before your usual time is a good way to avoid all of this.

6. Eat appetizer cakes as a morning habit

Mid-morning snack cakes are ideal for combating that feeling of hunger that reappears after burning a good amount of energy.

But many opt for industrial cakes because they are ready-made and taste great.

Still, these options are full of calories and added substances that don’t control hunger but increase feelings of anxiety.

After having ingested it, we are full for a few minutes. However, because of their high sugar and fat content, hunger returns very quickly.

It is therefore best to choose healthy alternatives such as:

  • A handful of dried fruits
  • A portion of fruit
  • A tea or a smoothie
  • A glass of plain yogurt

As you have noticed, there are certain habits that we practice every day without knowing that they affect the increase in body weight.

Better to avoid them from now on and replace them with very healthy habits for your health and your body.

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