6 Techniques To Keep The Spine Straight

Bad postures end up having very negative consequences on the spine. We will teach you how to always hold your back in the correct position.

We spend many hours sitting in front of the computer or standing at work, and it affects the spine. Indeed, it is necessary to have the right spine.

Maintaining good posture is vital for back health and for avoiding the pain and spasms that are so common these days. 

In this article, we are going to give you some techniques that will help you adopt a proper posture.

What is the influence of the posture of the spine?

The column is our support and it is essential to take good care of it. Bad posture leads to serious and even irreversible problems, such as herniated discs or chronic fatigue.

However, there are many other pains that come from never sitting, walking badly or standing badly.

In women, pelvic misalignment is very common, as they tend to load the full body weight on one of the two legs only.

Using high heels or carrying heavy bags on one shoulder will accentuate this problem. 

Poor postures are increasingly common due to the types of work that exist today, in addition to being overweight, sedentary, and excessive use of electronic devices (such as cell phones, tablets or computers). portable).

Lowering our head to send a message or pick up our mail, as well as to consult social networks makes us bend the spine and lean the body forward. That’s why we don’t have the right spine.

Did you know this is one of the reasons neck pain is painful?

What is the ideal posture for having a straight spine?

Some people only care about the back or shoulders when doing exercises.

However, it is important to pay attention to your posture anytime and anywhere: when we queue at the supermarket, when we sit in the subway, or when we watch TV on the sofa.

The times we are going to talk about here are times when we tend to forget to think about our posture.

In a sitting position

The soles of the feet should be resting firmly on the ground, back straight and shoulders down and back.

Crossing your legs (which is common in women) can cut off the blood flow which can cause swelling or fatigue. 

In standing up position

The knees should be bent a little, the chest open so that the abdominal muscles extend and allow us to breathe properly, and the weight distributed over both legs equally.

While walking

The neck and the head should be straight, you should not look at the ground because this causes neck pain. You have to walk by first pressing the heel on the ground and then the tip of the foot.

While sleeping

The best posture for resting is when the body is on its side and with the legs outstretched. In this way, the column remains well aligned.

In addition, it is important to have a good quality mattress and pillow.


The correct posture at the wheel of your car is necessary not only for the spine but also for safety.

If, unfortunately, you had an impact, the risk of injury would be reduced. To do this, press your back firmly against the seat and your neck on the headrest. Adjust the seat to reach the pedals easily and not having to bend too far forward.

How to improve your posture and have a straight spine?

There are different techniques that can help you keep your back straight at all times of the day.

At first, it will be more difficult for you to remember to hold on well. Likewise, your spine and muscles may hurt if you are used to another position.

However, the benefits are greater than the discomforts at the start. Here are several options:

Thinking that you have a thread above your head

It is often taught in yoga or pilates classes. You must imagine that a wire is hanging on the top of your head and pulling you towards the ceiling.

Put a band on the back

For this you have to ask someone for help. With a band, the other person should make an X on your back, starting with the right shoulder, going through the left hip, bending at the waistline, then going through the right hip and ending at the level of the left shoulder.

This will help you maintain good posture. It is important to have your shoulders back when attaching the band.

Carry a book on your head

It is a technique that was used a long time ago to teach little girls to walk. The idea is to keep your head and neck straight, and not look down. Ideal for having a straight spine!

Watch out for the calves

Good posture is not just about the spine, but the whole body. The legs have to support the whole body and the calves have to work a lot.

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, and try lowering your torso until you touch the tips of your toes. This helps to stretch the back, shoulders and neck, in addition to strengthening the abdominal muscles and … calves!

Take time off

If you work all day seated, try to get up every now and then and vice versa if you work while standing.

When you are standing, do a few turns of your desk, move your arms, raise your shoulders, rotate your pelvis. When you are seated, put your legs in the air, keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Look at yourself in the mirror

Here’s a good way to tell if you have good posture: Observe yourself.  In front of the mirror, align your body and analyze the sensations. This way you can have a straight spine. 

So you can see if you have good posture at any time of the day.

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