7 Foods That Should Not Be Reheated, Otherwise You Will Get Sick!

There are many foods that, when reheated, can become poisonous. It is therefore preferable to reuse them in salads and cold dishes so as not to run any risks.

It is very likely that with you, you apply the rule according to which it is not necessary to waste.

Global data shows that tons of food are wasted every day. The paradox is that some people throw away food, while others starve and suffer from malnutrition.

Faced with this, it was recommended to keep the prepared meals in the refrigerator and reheat them the following days, so as not to throw them in the trash.

However, many people are unaware that certain foods should not be reheated, as they can cause health problems. Find out what these foods are!

The chicken

Chicken is a food that we frequently keep in the refrigerator because it does not change quickly and when reheated it retains its taste.

However, this food should be eaten directly, or cold during the hours following its preparation.

Even if you don’t notice it, reheating it alters its protein composition and can lead to digestive issues.

If you do not consume it within the recommended time, you can reheat it but at a very low temperature.

The mushrooms

Mushrooms can be prepared in many ways, and reheating them seems like a good option.

However, the ideal is to consume them directly after their preparation, because they thus retain all their properties and bring benefits to the body.

If you have leftovers, eat them cold for hours after preparation.

This is because mushrooms suffer changes when heated to high temperatures, and can cause stomach pain and bloating.


This food is very nutritious and, although it can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, it should not be eaten reheated.

Reheating potatoes alters their taste and reduces their properties, which can even become toxic.

The best is to reuse the potatoes by preparing a cold mash or salad.

Reheated spinach

Reheated spinach.

This green vegetable should not be reheated because it contains a high percentage of nitrates which can turn into nitrites if subjected to high temperatures.

These compounds are not healthy and can have serious health effects. So, it is always better to eat fresh spinach.


Beets also contain nitrates, which turn into nitrites when reheated.

This vegetable is therefore one of the foods that must be avoided to reheat if you do not want to have health problems.

In fact, to make the most of the properties of beetroot, we recommend eating it in salads and smoothies.

The celery

If you put celery in your soups or soups, you should avoid reheating them.

Like the foods mentioned above, celery contains nitrates which turn into nitrites when reheated.

This means that it can be carcinogenic when subjected to warming.


It is rare to have to heat eggs. Because their taste and smell change when not eaten immediately.

It is still important to know that heating the eggs is harmful to your health. Because their compounds can become toxic when subjected to high temperatures.

How to reheat food safely?

While the foods we just discussed shouldn’t be reheated, that doesn’t mean you can’t reuse leftovers from other foods.

In order for this process to be safe for your health, it is important to follow the following tips:

  • Warming up should be done quickly.
  • It is advisable to reheat only the amount of food you wish to reuse. So as not to reheat it again.
  • Cooked food should not come into contact with raw food as this could generate cross contamination.
  • Take into account that all the ingredients are different and do not heat the same way.
    When reheating dishes that contain more than one food, cover them so that the reheating is even.
  • If you calculate that you are not going to consume these foods within four days, your best bet is to freeze them.

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