8 Cool Ideas To Avoid Wasting Fruits And Vegetables

The best way to store aromatic herbs for up to six months is to chop them and freeze them in olive oil. So you can use them as much as you want.

It is estimated that 300 million tonnes of fruit and vegetables end up in the trash every year. Without a doubt, this is a rather worrying figure if one takes into account the fact that the problem of hunger is still present in many parts of the world. How to avoid wasting fruits and vegetables?

In order to reduce this great waste, certain techniques have been put forward to encourage people to keep food longer in their homes.

In this article, we bring you a compilation of 8 cool ideas to avoid wasting fruits and vegetables in the kitchen. Do not hesitate to put them into practice!

1. Tomatoes

When you do not want to use them immediately and want to prevent them from ripening too quickly, it is best to put them in the refrigerator to slow down this process.

However, if they are already ripe,  it is a good idea to cut them up and put them in an airtight bag in the freezer.

Although freezing this food slightly alters its taste and texture, it can be used to make gravies, dishes and soups.

2. Avoid wasting fruit: Grapes

As they ripen, grapes acquire a delicious sweet taste that is ideal for many recipes.

As in the previous case, they can be kept in the freezer until they are ready to be eaten. 

Once they are fully ripe, remove the bunch, wash them well and put them in an airtight container or bag.

After freezing them, you can use them to prepare:

  • Juices
  • Cold drinks
  • Cakes
  • Jams
  • Biscuits

3. Herbs

Usually, herbs are used in small amounts in recipes. They are therefore easily damaged even if they are put in the refrigerator.

A good idea to stop throwing them away regularly is to freeze them with a little olive oil.

This technique makes it possible to extend their lifespan up to 6 additional months.

To do this, chop these herbs well and mix them with the oil in a blender. Pour the mixture into the ice cube trays and put them in the freezer.

4. Berries

Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries are fruits that are best bought in small quantities.

When they are fresh, we benefit more from their properties. They also have a more pleasant taste, whether plain or in various preparations.

However, if you want to take advantage of the season to buy large quantities of berries, you can freeze them so that they do not get damaged.

Then, we can prepare them by:

  • Smoothies and juices
  • Jams
  • Cakes
  • Ice cream
  • Desserts

5. Citrus fruits

Although most citrus fruits last for weeks, sometimes they start to ripen or even decompose.

If you don’t use them quickly, your best bet is to squeeze out the juice and then freeze it.

You can also grate the skin to use it in the preparation of desserts, smoothies or teas.

Citrus juice can be poured into ice cube trays for use in recipes like:

  • The juices
  • Soups
  • Cocktails
  • Lemonades
  • Ice cream

6. Avoid wasting fruit: Apples

When this fruit reaches a certain degree of maturity, its texture becomes sandy and it is no longer so tasty to be eaten on its own.

However, when the apples are ripe, they are useful in gastronomy.

For example, we can prepare them by:

  • Cakes
  • Salads
  • Pan-cakes
  • Juice
  • Jams

You can also prepare 100% organic apple vinegar. To be used for health, beauty and the home.

7. Avoid wasting fruit: Bananas

Avoid wasting bananas when baking cakes.

Bananas can be used in many ways as they mature.

What do you think of a good banana cake? It’s very easy to prepare and delicious!

You can also keep bananas in the freezer for later uses such as:

  • Smoothies and juices
  • Pies
  • Desserts
  • Compotes
  • Face masks

8. Potatoes

This vegetable tends to last for several weeks without suffering any alterations in texture or taste.

However, if you are afraid that the potatoes will spoil, you can also cook them and keep them in the refrigerator. 

Once they are cooked, they can be used on the following days for the preparation of a mash or a salad.

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