9 Signs That Alert Us To A Calcium Deficiency

In addition to bone fractures or dental problems, hair loss, dry skin and weakened nails are signs that can indicate a deficiency in calcium.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, found in greatest quantities in bones and teeth, but also in blood, neurons, and other tissues. This is why it is important to avoid calcium deficiency.

It is estimated that 70% of our bone system is made up of this mineral, which plays a fundamental role in the health of our nervous system. As well as in the development of all cells in our body.

In fact, it has been proven that calcium participates in blood clotting, the regulation of heart rate, as well as relaxation and relaxation of the muscles. In view of the role it plays in these different parameters of our body, it is unnecessary to specify that a calcium deficiency can cause chronic pathologies such as osteoporosis as well as joint problems, even cardiovascular problems.

To discover this deficiency early, we just need to take into account some of the signals that our body can send us through symptoms that may appear to have no relation to the bones, but which occur in the absence. of this mineral.

1. Muscle cramps, a sign of calcium deficiency

Muscle cramp
Muscle cramps may indicate hyperphosphatemia and calcium deficiency.

Such cramps can be the consequence of an overworking of the muscles, or a potassium deficiency. However, when they occur very frequently, and if we perform a lot of movement on a daily basis, it may indicate a lack of calcium in the bones.

If pain appears in the thighs, arms or calves, consider increasing your intake of this mineral.

2. Insomnia

Insomnia can be the result of calcium or magnesium deficiency, hormonal alterations, bad habits, among other factors.

Therefore, if you are having difficulty getting a good rest at night, a blood test may be necessary to check for a possible deficiency.

It should also be noted that there is a relationship between the level of nutrients in the blood, such as calcium, and problems such as anxiety and depression.

3. Dental problems

As we told you earlier, teeth contain a significant amount of this mineral within their structure. This is why a decrease in the level of calcium in the body directly affects their health.

If you have cavities or other types of dental infections, as well as very yellow or brittle teeth, this is a clear sign that you are low on calcium.

4. Dry skin and brittle nails

In view of its role in cell regeneration, calcium plays a very important role in the restoration of the skin and nails.

When the body does not have enough calcium, problems like dryness or the formation of crevices can appear on the skin, while the nails can become brittle.

5. Hair disorders

Hair loss

Dryness, loss or brittleness of hair are signs that clearly indicate a nutrient deficiency.

Although these disorders can be caused by many causes, it is very important to improve the quality of your diet quickly.

6. Joint or bone pain

Pain in the joints and bones can alert us to the presence of chronic diseases like arthritis or osteoarthritis.

However, they can also be due to a fracture. Or loss of bone density caused by calcium deficiency.

7. High blood pressure

Many minerals are involved in the regulation of blood pressure. Calcium is one of the responsible for keeping blood pressure under control. Calcium deficiency can therefore cause hypertension .

8. Period pain

Although period pain or PMS can vary from woman to woman and be caused by hormonal changes, in some cases it can be related to the amount of calcium in the body.

9. Bone fractures

Bone fracture

By causing loss of bone density, calcium deficiency can lead to tendon fractures or strains.

Calcium is essential for keeping bones strong. A deficiency in this mineral therefore implies an increased risk to health. Because it can cause the onset of diseases such as osteoporosis.

If after reading this article you realize that you may be suffering from calcium deficiency, do not hesitate to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

In general, you can increase your consumption of foods that contain this mineral in large amounts, such as:

  • rice
  • fish
  • eggs
  • dairy products
  • broccoli
  • cabbage
  • orange
  • kale
  • spinach
  • dried fruits

How do you know if you have a calcium deficiency?

To find out if your blood calcium level is too low, your doctor may prescribe a basal metabolic panel. We would like to point out that this is a straightforward examination that does not require any type of special measure. Just like a routine blood test, you just have to go to the lab on an empty stomach.

Treatment is not always necessary to correct a level considered abnormal. In this case, improving certain lifestyle habits may be enough to resolve the situation, such as better nutrition. Also, note that some medications can affect calcium levels.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe certain food supplements for a specified period of time. Most importantly, he will recommend that you consume foods rich in calcium and other nutrients that are beneficial to health.

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