9 Things In Your House To Clean Every Day

Find out in this article which 9 things in your house should be cleaned every day.

The humid environment promotes the proliferation of bacteria and other microorganisms. So, we should clean the toilet every day to avoid the appearance of fungus and other problems.

Cleaning and tidying up every corner of our house is a habit. In addition to protecting our health, it helps us keep the environment in harmony.

If we don’t always see it at first glance, everyday dust remains accumulate, bacteria and volatile particles that can cause disease.

Because of this it is essential to do a general cleaning. It should especially be taken into account that there are certain elements that must be disinfected every day without any exception.

Knowing that many people ignore them, below we want to detail 9 of them for you.

9 things in your home that you should wash every day

  1. Kitchen towels

Kitchen towels are one of the items that should be washed the most. Indeed, they are continuously exposed to food scraps and bacteria.

  • Although they do not always appear dirty, they accumulate a large number of microorganisms which easily proliferate in the tissues.
  • As a result, they can contaminate other surfaces and elements. These, which come into contact with our body, can influence the onset of diseases.

2. Keys

The keys are one of the most contaminated items we have in our home. Despite this, we never disinfect them.

  • This element comes into contact with our hands, pockets and various surfaces which may contain viruses and bacteria.
  • Thus, to avoid health problems, the ideal is to clean them every day with disinfectant soap, or else to clean them with antiseptic towels.

3. Sponge for washing dishes

sponge-countertopAlthough ironically they are designed to clean, sponges are one of the dirtiest and most contaminated items in the kitchen.

  • They accumulate food scraps, dirt and water, which helps create a suitable environment for fungi and bacteria.
  • Its use without being disinfected is linked to the risk of suffering from digestive and viral diseases.

4. Washbasin

Some people think that handwashes don’t get contaminated easily. This is because it is believed that they get some leftover antibacterial soap every time we use them.

  • However, this idea is completely wrong, because bacteria and fungi easily proliferate on damp surfaces.
  • Dead skin cells, dirt and other residue are the perfect foods for these microorganisms.

5. Coffee maker

On the walls of the coffee maker, it also creates an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that can affect health.

  • It is necessary to clean it every day and to undo all the parts to remove all the coffee remains.

6. Cutting board

The wooden boards used in the kitchen for cutting up food are home to hundreds of health-affecting microbes and fungi.

  • As they are exposed to leftover food and moisture, it is common to see microorganisms proliferate more easily on their surface.
  • Fortunately, this is an element that we can easily disinfect using, for example, the antibacterial properties of lemon or white vinegar.

7. Makeup brush

hand-makeup brush

Continued use of brushes and foundation, in addition to their contact with the skin, are the reasons they need to be cleaned every day.

Even though it can’t be seen, dead cells and bacteria accumulate there. These, later, can affect the health of the skin.

8. Toilets

For obvious reasons, the toilet is one of the household items most contaminated with bacteria and mold.

  • Their moist surface facilitates the survival of microorganisms, especially when they are not disinfected regularly.
  • It does not only increase the risk of diseases in contact with our body. In addition, it often leads to strong unpleasant odors.

9. Bathroom tiles

Bathroom tiles are one of the surfaces that trap water, bacteria, and the remnants of products that can affect health.

  • Few people clean them daily. It is therefore common to notice the appearance of mold and traces of dirt. These can be difficult to eliminate.
  • The ideal is to clean them after the shower with disinfectants such as white vinegar or baking soda.

How often do you clean these items? Now that you know how important it is to clean them every day, try to find a few minutes to keep them looking good.

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