Why Eat Gelatin?

In addition to providing us with proteins and minerals that are very important for bones and joints, gelatin also gives us collagen, which firms the skin.

Gelatin is often used as a snack on an occasional whim. It is not a very important food in the diet. However, today we will discuss its benefits with you.

Maybe you don’t know that gelatin is an important part in jams, ice creams, some yogurts, jellies, marshmallows, and some types of sauces.

It can also be found in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

She controls the weight

Eating gelatin increases the production of growth hormone. It also stimulates the metabolism via its nutrients and amino acids.

Its high fiber and protein content helps to feel full and eliminates cravings for sugary foods. This makes it possible to eat only what the body needs.

Many nutritionists recommend it to replace cakes. If you want a little whimsy, try making little figurines with cake pans or making new versions of your favorite desserts.

It accelerates the healing of wounds

As you know, protein is an important part of the wound healing process. Additionally, there is an amino acid called glycine which is closely related to reducing inflammation.

If you eat gelatin, your body will receive a good dose of glycine and protein, and will generate new skin that will allow wounds to heal faster.

Healthier nails, hair, skin and teeth

Today, we are looking for more and more treatments to have healthier hair, skin, nails and teeth. Do you know what these parts of the body have in common? Keratin.

You have surely seen endless products that contain high levels of keratin, but the vast majority cost a fortune.

If you can’t spend that much, or want another option, now is the time to eat gelatin, as it contains high levels of keratin.

It improves the health of your bones and joints 

The proteins found in gelatin, along with selenium, phosphorus, and copper, help your bones stay strong and increase bone mineral density in your body.

Gelatin also prevents osteoporosis.

On the other hand, the amino acids in gelatin reduce inflammation that could affect the joints.

Gelatin also helps in the development of cartilage , which greatly strengthens joints and bones.

If your doctor tells you that the cartilage in your joints is wearing down or that you have joint pain, you know what to do!

It improves sleep

Glycine is strongly linked to improving sleep cycles. This chemical also stimulates certain neurotransmitters and enzymes which increase the quality and duration of sleep. 

This is why eating gelatin is important for your body to regain energy. Try to eat a small portion of gelatin a few hours before going to bed.

You will find that your sleep will be deeper and you will wake up much more rested.

It fights against aging

Gelatin is made up of dry collagen, which is one of the most important building blocks for the skin.

The elasticity and the tension of the dermal cells are promoted when one consumes collagen.

So, if you increase your collagen intake, you will have firmer skin and a more youthful appearance. 

Of course, wrinkles and signs of aging will not go away, because they will appear later.

It improves your digestive health

Gelatin has the particularity of unifying naturally with water. This makes it easier for your body to assimilate the fibers it contains.

If you get into the habit of eating gelatin at a certain frequency, you will find that problems like constipation and the inability to absorb nutrients properly decrease.

In addition, it stimulates digestive juices and increases peristaltic movement in the intestinal muscles.

It relieves allergies

Many allergies are attributed to the “leaky” gut which is unable to process certain substances.

In addition to solving the problem affecting your digestive tract, gelatin will cure certain problems caused by allergies.

We recommend that you add good amounts of gelatin to your diet and ban any food that is harmful to allergies.

It stimulates the immune system

Proline is another amino acid found in gelatin. This chemical is linked to improving the immune function of many species of animals and humans.

This will improve your ability to fight infections and diseases.

Eat gelatin without fear!

Gelatin has no contraindications, although it can sometimes cause abdominal distension and stomach pain if consumed in excess.

So including gelatin in your diet shouldn’t be a problem.

Note that this food can be mixed with different preparations, such as yogurt or fruits,  or add it to a dessert.

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