Living Is The Only Urgent Thing, Everything Else Is Secondary

We have to learn to distinguish between the most important things in our life and to enjoy them. Finding happiness in the little things of everyday life can help us find our own way.

To live is not to let time slip by, nor to let yourself be carried away by the plans of others while watching them escape through the window, without realizing your own dreams.

Even though we are told that “it is never too late to do what you love”, it is important to know that the sooner we put it into practice, the more we will enjoy life.

To be alive is the most wonderful gift we have. For this, there is nothing more urgent than to be happy in your daily life in the simplest way possible.

Be happy and make others happy. The rest is secondary whether you believe it or not.

Happiness is not living but knowing how to live

Look at this image of sunflowers for a few seconds. They are full of light, life and splendor. Throughout their life, they have only one goal: to move to find the light of the sun.

Their life is simple, but they have a purpose. We should see this as something primordial as well, in order to seek that light that makes us feel good.

Anything that takes you away from this goal is contrived, and secondary.

  • Happiness is in the power to do something every day that makes us feel good. It is therefore preferable, for example, to do a job that we like and that fulfills us.
  • Knowing how to live does not only mean thinking about yourself, it is also knowing how to make others happy because it is there that our existence acquires an authentic meaning. Help, protect, educate, offer, welcome, make people laugh, console, etc.

Fix your lens on the horizon, just like the sunflowers, and never lose sight of it. What makes you happy defines and motivates you.

Don’t leave happiness in the hands of others

Living is essential.

Instead of entrusting your happiness to others, try to be the master of your own well-being.

Don’t depend on others and don’t do things according to others only.

There are, for example, dependent loves where the slightest gesture can be interpreted as a mark of disenchantment. We must not go to these extremes.

We know that often being loved is synonymous with great happiness. However, always do it with balance and maturity, taking care of your self-esteem.

Remember that being happy as a couple is the business of two people, where there is no addiction. It must be a common project based on reciprocity.

Learn to prioritize, and know what’s really important and what’s secondary

To be happy in order to live is important.

If at any point you ask a friend or loved one if they know what is most important in life, they will surely look at you with skepticism and tell you…  What do I know, me ?

It is very obvious that people “don’t know how to be happy”. In fact, according to information from Google management, one of the most frequent searches on the Internet is “how to be happy”.

It just means that a lot of people don’t know how to prioritize their day-to-day life and they don’t differentiate between what is important and what is secondary.

Dimensions to be happy

Living and knowing how to live is a complex art which requires us to take into account the following dimensions:

  • It is important to know yourself and to know what brings us peace and happiness, and what makes us anxious and sad.

It is possible that you live in a place where there is very little sun, that you have repetitive work that hinders your creativity and your essence. It is possible that you are surrounded by people who bring you nothing, who cut off your wings … Think about it.

  • Stop obsessing over things and being materialistic. Life is not about collecting things, but about accumulating experiences. For that, you have to get out of your routine a little more each day. Life represents obligations but also the personal freedom to be yourself.
  • Learn to dream, to accomplish your dreams and your goals. A life without dreams is a fire without heat or a field without poppies.
    Do something that makes you happy every day, that makes you be yourself, and that fuels the flame of your dreams.

We assure you that being happy is not that difficult!

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