7 Unusual Things About Dreams

Smells have an influence on the quality of our sleep. So when we are worried or stressed, nightmares are more recurring.

The dream world has always aroused great interest, both from scientists and from ordinary people.

Some think that it is an unconscious aside during which our brain, very active, reorganizes our ideas and our memories.

Thus, dreams contain a whole series of curiosities that you will be delighted to discover here.

1. Why don’t we remember all of our dreams?dreams

Surely it happens very often that you wake up in the morning with the feeling that you have dreamed about something pleasant or unpleasant, but which you are unable to remember precisely. It is something common.

Dreams follow one after the other without the brain having the opportunity to fix the memories; only the emotion remains. This can be a feeling of anguish or pleasure.

However, it is amazing to know that some people who wake up often during the night are the ones who remember their dreams the most. Why ? Very simple. When a dream ends and we wake up, the brain retains the memory better. But if we continue to sleep, the memory tends to escape.

2. In our dreams, we act as if we are awake

This is how. It is as if our personality is the same with all its emotional intensity when we dream. That is, if during our dreams we quarrel with someone, we will feel the anger with all its intensity.

If you feel joy when you find someone in your dream, that emotion will be genuine. The same as fear in nightmares. The emotions are real but in an imaginary world.

3. Smells influence our dreams

If you are in a room that smells bad, damp, garbage, or any unpleasant odor, your brain will immediately associate it with something unpleasant and cause awkward and threatening dreams to emerge from your imagination.

On the contrary, if you perfume your room with something pleasant like a scent of lavender or rose, your dreams will be much better, deep, pleasant and relaxing.

4. Nightmares always have an origin

To dream of being chased, falling, trying to hurt us, or having an accident is a direct result of our worries, stress, and anxiety. If we tend to be more preoccupied or stressed out than usual, nightmares will be more common.

If you had a dream that you are meeting a deceased person, then somehow you are worried about something and you would like that missing person to be there to advise you. When you have nightmares, try to find out what may be causing them.

5. All living things dream

Dogs, cats, mice, people and dolphins. All living things dream. Yet in the case of dolphins, this can be surprising. Only half of their brain is asleep, the other half remaining active. The reason for this?

Cetaceans need to continue to swim in the hand to stay afloat. If their whole brain was unconscious, they would eventually sink and stop breathing which would cause their death. This is why part of the brain never rests.

6. What if we dream that we are dying?

Many people think that dreaming about your own death is a bad omen. And that, no doubt, something bad will happen in the near future. This is a misconception that has no basis.

Writers like Rubin Neiman show us that when this happens, we think about it and look for the reason in our own dream.

The brain always keeps messages through dreamlike images and the very idea of ​​seeing yourself dead can mean something definite. Need to finalize a step? To finish something like a job, a relationship? Only we ourselves can know what this dream is due to.

7. The brain acts at night, like the intestines


A curious image, without a doubt. As you already know, the intestines are responsible for digesting, taking in nutrients and channeling food. The brain, on the other hand, does almost the same thing every night.

It digests experiences and learning. It separates what is important from what is less. Integrates our memories, re-orders, conducts and filters information. Something really amazing that we have to take into account. 

This is how we should not forget that sleeping is a biological need that should not be neglected. Pay attention to your sleep patterns using little strategies.

Eat dinner two hours before going to sleep, give up your computer or mobile one hour before going to bed because they act as stimulants.

Take a relaxing bath and end the day with an infusion. Sleep is fundamental to your health, just like your dreams. 

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