How To Use Aloe Vera Against Diabetes?

Before using aloe vera to fight diabetes, it is important to consult your doctor’s advice if you are already undergoing treatment because there could be contraindications.

Aloe vera is a natural remedy that is increasingly popular for relieving various aches and pains. Today we are going to tell you how to use aloe vera to treat diabetes in a natural way.

Different studies in humans and animals have shown that the aloe vera plant helps reduce blood glucose levels in just two months.

And the results are visible in patients who are not dependent on insulin application as well as in those who are insulin dependent.

In addition, used directly on the skin, aloe vera is beneficial for taking care of the skin and avoiding the consequences of the famous diabetic foot.

In any case, remember that if you are suffering from this disease, you must follow a suitable diet and exercise.

And do not hesitate to consult your trusted doctor in the face of any doubt and before trying any alternative treatment.

Why is aloe vera good for fighting excess sugar in the blood?

The aloe vera plant contains various substances that help improve the health of people with diabetes.

Regular consumption helps lower blood glucose levels while controlling the sugar levels that a diabetic patient may have.

  • Emodin is the active ingredient in aloe vera and has hypoglycemic properties.
  • It also provides two types of fiber, mucilage and glucomannan. These, in addition to causing satiety, help regulate the absorption of sugar.
  • Likewise, it is high in fructose. A form of sugar found in vegetables that is absorbed slowly. This prevents hyperglycemia.

A plant that provides minerals to regulate glucose levels

Aloe vera is also a plant that contains beneficial minerals for people with diabetes. Among them we find:

  • Chromium, which tends to normalize blood sugar levels, in addition to helping in the generation of insulin.
  • Manganese, which is of vital importance in the production of natural insulin.
  • Magnesium, which diabetic patients need.

How to properly consume aloe vera to treat diabetes?

For aloe vera to work against diabetes, you need to make sure it is as pure as possible.

For this, it is always better to use the plant directly instead of buying processed products.

If you have a garden that’s great. Otherwise, don’t be discouraged. A balcony or a window are always practical to place a pot.

The recommended dose is two tablespoons per day (30 g) of the gel contained in the aloe vera leaf.

This will help reduce blood sugar levels by up to 50% in two months.

If you are lucky enough to have fresh aloe vera leaves, all you have to do is wash them well and extract the amount of gel you need. Then wrap the foil in film and keep it in the refrigerator.

Aloe vera treatment for diabetic feet

Aloe vera treatment for diabetes

Beyond the great benefits that its internal use brings to people with diabetes, aloe vera is a fundamental ally for treating problems such as diabetic foot.

This disease can cause loss of sensitivity in the feet due to damage produced in the nerves. Thus, the person with diabetes may not realize that they have hurt themselves. She doesn’t smell of cuts, blisters or sores. If not treated in time, these lesions can lead to ulcers and infections.

However, if the patient applies aloe vera gel regularly (every day) to their feet, it will significantly reduce the risk of suffering from this condition.

Here are the benefits of using aloe vera in this area of ​​the body that is so sensitive for the diabetic:

  • Keeps the skin hydrated
  • Promotes healing
  • Calm the pain
  • Prevents the appearance of chapping

Aloe vera should be applied with a gentle massage. But we must avoid inserting it between the toes. Because if this area remains humid, fungi or fungal infections can appear.

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