3 Reasons Why You Should Include Magnesium In Your Diet

Thanks to its ability to adhere to hormones, magnesium can help us relieve various problems related to the imbalance that you feel the days before your period.

Maybe just as you start reading this article you don’t know so much about magnesium and how it affects your daily diet.

Do not worry. Below we will show you its true importance.

While shopping, you may never have thought about the nutrient content of foods and the same is true of magnesium.

The impact of this nutrient is more important than you think.

We talk little about the importance of magnesium, let alone the importance of including it in our diet.

However, there are several issues that you should take into account, as the reach of this mineral is incredible, although many ignore it.

Unlike other things like iron or calcium, people don’t easily recognize it.

In fact, studies support that approximately 48% of the population in the United States is deficient in magnesium.

But the reasons why it is important to include it in your diet are troubling, because magnesium is found in many forms, compounded or isolated in endless natural and prepared foods.

However, below we are going to give you the 3 best arguments for you to seriously think about using it in your favor and for your well-being.

From the assimilation of vitamin D to the therapeutic relief of many problems such as:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Migraines
  • Aging

Yes, you read that right. All of these conditions can be relieved, prevented or improved only by increasing and regulating the magnesium in your diet.

Below we give you the most important reasons so that you know better this mineral and its benefits.

Here are the top 3 reasons to include magnesium in your dietmagnesium in

A diet should include all kinds of foods, just like knowing which minerals are the best for you to eat a healthy diet. Magnesium is the key to all minerals.

  • It contains greater benefits for the body than other minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, silicon or potassium.
  • A part of our skeleton could not exist without it, and by smiling you can see how important its impact is on your teeth.

1. Ideal for healthy bones and teeth

It’s true that calcium has a lot to do with healthy bones and teeth, but magnesium is the key to this because it works as an element fixative.

This means that if you are deficient in magnesium, it will be difficult for you to reach the necessary calcium levels.

Among other things, osteoporosis and cavities can be the consequences of this deficiency.

Add more foods rich in this mineral, such as dairy products and fruits rich in vitamin D:

  • Apricots
  • Apples
  • Guavas

2. Premenstrual syndrome

We all know how disturbing PMS is for women.

Magnesium is a mineral which binds to hormones and which effectively regulates the incidence of the latter in order to relieve certain pain as well as susceptibility.

Regarding period pain, if you have consumed foods containing this mineral during the month before your period, you will notice how much it reduces pain.

3. Against insomnia

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Lack of sleep is a problem for a large part of the population.

There are many causes that can significantly affect sleep. But magnesium deficiency has been shown to directly affect the onset of insomnia.

Melatonin is a hormone that influences the regulation of sleep. When you lack magnesium, insomnia appears.

In addition, there is also a link between this mineral and the fact of sleeping well.

Final considerations

We always advise you on the best ways to take care of your well-being.

The benefits of magnesium for the body are notable and recognized.

Do not hesitate to include foods that contain them in your diet to facilitate its assimilation, while knowing what you are eating, the benefits and the reasons for consuming them.

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