6 Basic Rules For Keeping A Firm Chest

To have a firm chest, you have to combine a good diet and a whole series of external treatments. In addition, it is essential to behave well in everyday life.

The chest is one of the areas that women like to keep very firm and that they don’t neglect. All women thus dream of having a firm breast.

With these basic rules, you will be able to maintain the firmness of your breasts without putting in much effort.

You need consistency and consider these basic but crucial aspects to achieve it.

1. Shower in cold water

Showering in cold water may be one of the solutions you need as it will help you maintain toned skin.

However, if this is too difficult a habit to pick up in the winter months, you can opt for this solution:

  • Use ice cubes or a cold compress to cool the bust area.
  • With this simple trick, you will get the same effect as cold water on your skin.

2. Posture is fundamental

Your posture is thus a basic pillar for having a firm chest. Never forget it!

Be aware that if you do a round back, you visually reduce the size of your chest, relax the muscles in the area, and also accustom them to bad habits.

3. Use the correct size bra

woman wearing a bra

Many women use a bra that is not the right size for them. It is essential that you find the model that perfectly fits your breast, that supports it without flattening it.

  • Know that, even if a bra lifts your bust and makes your cleavage more sensual, if it tightens you too much, it will be harmful to your breasts.
  • As well as being uncomfortable, it will also interrupt your blood circulation, so don’t fall for a wonderbra that doesn’t suit you!

4. Pay attention to your posture when playing sports

Having good posture when playing sports is very important.

Playing any kind of sport is good for your figure and overall well-being, but it may not be so good for your chest if you don’t do it right.

  • Know that sudden movements damage sensitive tissues.
  • So, above all, choose a suitable sport discipline and of course, never run or jump without a suitable bra.
  • Also, don’t forget to keep an appropriate posture.

5. Watch out for the sun

Even if you do not make the direct link between a good firmness of the bust and the abuse of the sun, this link does exist.

Overuse of the sun, especially if you do not use the right protection, can lead to dryness of the skin and loss of elasticity.

The best advice is to sunbathe with a good sunscreen and avoid going topless on the beach if you want to keep the shape of your breasts.

6. Do some exercises

There are certain exercises that will help you maintain and restore the firmness of your breasts. Take note and make a difference!


Also known as the wheel posture. This is a yoga position that stretches the chest, spine, and neck.

It helps us reduce fatigue and relieves headaches.

How to do ?

  • Lie on your back first and put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Inhale and stretch backward as much as you can while opening your arms, throat, chest, stomach, hips, and legs.
  • Then put the hands behind the head with the fingers looking at the buttocks. As you exhale, lift your chest and pelvis as much as you can.
  • Try to straighten your arms and hold the position for 30 seconds.


The camel pose will also help you relieve pain in the spine and will be of great help in increasing the size of your lungs, strengthening your chest and thus having a firm chest.

How to do ?

  • Get on your knees with your feet together.
  • Arch your back and put your hands on the heels. Do this movement slowly to avoid stretching.
  • Arch your spine and stretch your ribs. Know that the head should be looking down.
  • For the exercise to be truly effective, you need to stay like this for 30 seconds.

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