In Life Nobody Gives Gifts: What I Have Acquired Is Due To My Efforts

Everyone may see your successes as something fortuitous, but only you know the The effort and dedication that exists behind each of these achieved goals.

We live in a society where success is sometimes viewed with suspicion. Some believe that the triumph in life, far from being the reflection of our efforts, is in fact due to the influence of third persons or even to this luck of fate which, from time to time, blesses us with its magic wand. .

It may be true. It is possible that the influences serve to make some people move up through the ranks without having any skills. Yet the talent is there.

More so, if someone triumphs professionally or personally in a certain setting, it really owes to a lot of sleepless nights, to the daily effort, to the sacrifices and to this constant battle where defeat does not exist.

Because in life, as we all know, nothing falls from the sky. However, some limit themselves to dreaming, to waiting for “things to happen” by a whim of the universe.

Others, for their part, know that in order to achieve a dream there is only one magic formula: effort.

We suggest you think about this.

All my successes are the result of my efforts

Whoever thinks that the happiness of one of our friends or the promotion of our neighbor in her work owes only to coincidence, is mistaken.

It’s so obvious that some try to look for self-indulgent explanations to hide the obvious: the embarrassment of seeing that others are much happier than ourselves .

All my successes are the result of my efforts

It may sound a little shocking, there is no doubt about it, but behind this reality lie some very interesting psychological processes. In the following we will explain the important aspects of success, achievement and jealousy to you.

The double line of other people’s happiness

“I wish you were happy, but not more than me” . This idea sums up, no doubt, what a “false friend” would feel about us if they saw us leading the life we ​​dreamed of.

If you’ve ever noticed that on several occasions some of your loved ones gave you this same impression, it’s interesting to understand why.

  • Some people need to be in control in their closest circles. This control is also based on equality of conditions. If someone gets out of this balance, they feel like mistrust and rejection.
  • This need for control actually hides low self-esteem. If all those around me are “as bad” as me then my voids do not stand out, there is an equality of conditions.
  • Now there you have it, as soon as someone finds a job, a couple, or somehow triumphs, the other person stays in the spotlight. His faults or weaknesses stand out next to the one who, with effort, has achieved his goal.

Efforts always pay off

”Do you want to take a competition to get this job? But if everything is rigged and the results are known in advance! ”” That you fell in love with a person? But this is too much for you, you will be wasting your time! ”

  • We have all heard this kind of phrase on more than one occasion. You can change the script, the context and the voices, but the goal is always the same: tear off the wings, spoil the hopes and, why not, until “ you are happier than me”.
  • Obviously we have to be realistic because sometimes we build houses of cards on cotton clouds.

However, when our goal is clear, logical and possible, we must do everything to get there.

Efforts always pay off

Daily efforts are a reflection of perseverance. Who does not invest time, emotions, dreams and all their cells, nerves, neurons and heartbeats to achieve this goal does not triumph.

Because in life, as we well know, no one gives gifts.

The only attitude that counts is that of “non-surrender”

With perseverance and daily effort one integrates, at the same time, an unshakeable attitude: that of “non-surrender”.

  • Whoever wishes to achieve this goal not only works, not only invests time. At the same time, one has to deal with many external factors.
  • These are not only the false friends mentioned above: the “dream-extinguishers”. At the same time, there is the own society, its structures, its back doors, its filters, its walls… And, of course, those trifles that we always meet.

We must resist. When you see yourself capable of achieving something, you have to fight in these troubled oceans where not everyone comes out afloat. Because sometimes it is not enough to have talent.

From time to time you need to have a courageous heart and a noble, strong and determined mind.

Only then will we achieve the success we deserve.

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