Fight Infections And Dissolve Kidney Stones With This Ginger Tea

Ginger tea can be a very effective supplement in relieving kidney problems, although it will always be best to consult a specialist before to consume it and consider it as a medical treatment.

Ginger is a medicinal root that has been used since ancient times thanks to its high nutritional value and health properties.

It is known for its pleasant taste and smell. Many cultures use it for the preparation of a wide variety of recipes and drinks.

It is also attributed with interesting analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, used as a basis for the preparation of many natural remedies.

In addition, it is an interesting source of antioxidant substances, ideal for protecting the body against cell damage and toxins present in the environment.

While many know it for its culinary uses, it’s good to know that it also serves as an alternative treatment to relieve inflammation, infections, and kidney stones.

Since few people know how to take advantage of it for these purposes, today we want to share with you the recipe for a particular tea in which other ingredients are mixed to boost its properties.

Don’t hesitate to give it a try!

Special ginger tea to fight infections and kidney stones

This special ginger tea is a drink with purifying and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve many types of infections and disorders such as kidney stones.

In addition to this root, here we are going to take advantage of the properties of turmeric and coconut milk, two natural ingredients that are known for their antibiotic and antioxidant power.

This tea contains a high concentration of gingerol, an active compound that has been shown to be effective in destroying stones that obstruct the urinary tract.

Since its ingredients are alkaline, its regular ingestion helps regulate the pH of the blood, increasing the immune response to viruses and bacteria that cause disease.

In addition, its vitamins and minerals nourish and protect cells, and minimize damage caused by free radicals in the environment.

Among the virtues, we can mention the following:

  • Improves blood circulation and prevents clotting.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Prevents flu, colds and viral illnesses.
  • Fight against the cold sore virus.
  • Reduces headache.
  • Promotes healthy weight loss.
  • Cleanses the urinary tract.
  • Fights fatigue.
  • Facilitates the elimination of toxins.
  • Improves cognitive health.
  • Controls the functions of the nervous system.

How to prepare this unique ginger tea?

Ginger tea is a very economical and 100% natural drink that can help us prevent and treat a lot of pain.

It is often used as an adjunct to the treatment of various kidney problems, especially when crystals and infections appear.

It is also used to promote cleansing of the blood, improve cellular oxygenation and reduce pain in the joints.

Among other things, it should be noted that its antioxidant compounds benefit skin health, and help delay the onset of signs of premature aging and other blemishes.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • ¼ tablespoon of ground ginger (1.2 g)
  • ¼ tablespoon of ground turmeric (1.2 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of organic bee honey (25 g)
  • ¼ cup of coconut milk (62 ml)


  • Pour a cup of water into a saucepan and then boil it for a few minutes.
  • When it comes to a boil, add the ground ginger and turmeric.
  • Lower the heat then let the decoction take place for 8 or 10 minutes.
  • When the time is up, remove from the heat and add the coconut milk.
  • Sweeten with a spoonful of organic bee honey to eat.

Way of consuming

  • For treatment for infections and kidney stones, take one cup on an empty stomach every day.
  • To prevent disease and strengthen the immune system, incorporate it into your diet, two or three per week.
  • If you want to use it as a treatment for the skin, apply it directly as a mask.

To know !

  • Although this home remedy helps dissolve small kidney stones, it should not be used as a substitute for medications prescribed by the doctor.
  • Its effects are not visible from the first dose. It is therefore necessary to ingest it every day until the problem is relieved.
  • It should not be ingested by people who have liver problems or stomach problems such as ulcers and gastritis.
  • We should also not consume it in cases of treatment with anti-coagulant drugs such as aspirin or ticlopidine.

Have you ever brewed this ginger tea? If you haven’t tested it, follow this recipe and check its properties for yourself!

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