7 Reasons To Consume Dried Fruits

Despite the bad reputation they have had for years, we now know that dried fruits are very good for your health.

Dried fruits received this name because, unlike other fruits, they are made up of less than 50% water.

They are considered to be very complete and energetic foods from a nutritional point of view. They are indeed a source of essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

There are many varieties of dried fruits. For example, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts.

Until recently, it was thought that they made you fat because their calorie intake is significant and they contain fat.

However, their many virtues have been demonstrated, as has the fact that they are excellent for supporting slimming diets.

This is because their fats are healthy. They also help to increase energy expenditure throughout the day.

In addition, they are rich in fiber and are recommended to curb this uncontrollable desire to eat more than necessary.

There are many more reasons why we should all eat dried fruit regularly. In this article, we are going to reveal 7 of them to you, so that you have no doubts.

1. Dried fruits improve heart healthdried fruits

The high concentration of essential fatty acids in dried fruits makes them essential allies in diets aimed at strengthening cardiovascular health.

Their high content of alpha-linolenic acid decreases the risk of cardiac arrhythmias and the build-up of cholesterol in the arteries. 

Their consumption is as effective as olive oil in reducing inflammation and cleansing the blood after eating fat meals.

Their fibers and plant sterols decrease the lipids which are reabsorbed through the intestine and facilitate their expulsion.

Thanks to their high content of arginine, an essential amino acid, they keep the blood vessels elastic and prevent high blood pressure.

2. They protect brain health

Pistachios and walnuts contain lots of essential amino acids and antioxidants that protect memory and brain health.

Their high content of folic acid and vitamins A and E improves the function of the central nervous system and decreases the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

3. They are anti-inflammatory

The omega-3 fatty acids in dried fruits are linked to reducing and controlling inflammatory processes in the body.

Many doctors and health professionals claim that the majority of diseases have to do with an inflammatory imbalance.

This is why ingesting these foods could be key in preventing hundreds of common and chronic disorders.

4. They improve digestive health

The main virtues of these foods for digestive health are due to their high content of dietary fiber.

These improve the absorption of nutrients by the intestine and facilitate their movement for proper waste elimination.

Their consumption decreases indigestion and feeds the living bacteria in the colon to keep the pH under control.

5. They prevent premature agingdried fruits

All varieties of dried fruits are recommended for the health of the skin, given their high content of vitamin E.

This nutrient with antioxidant action slows down cell damage caused by free radicals and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles.

In addition to this, the action of essential fatty acids and vitamin C maintain natural oils and elasticity.

6. They help to gain muscle mass

Dried fruits are a rich source of protein and thus, are useful to meet the daily needs that one needs during physical training.

Some nutritionists recommend ingesting a small amount before sleeping because their fiber and healthy fats help prevent muscle breakdown during sleep.

7. They fight obesity

Overweight and obese patients get many benefits when they consume dried fruit every day.

Their high-quality fiber and protein intake supports the function of the metabolism to increase calorie expenditure and lose weight.

Obese people who consume almonds, walnuts and other varieties of dried fruits lose weight more easily, compared to those who do not.

As you have just seen, there are many reasons to enjoy these delicious foods. You can ingest them on their own or add them to your favorite recipes.

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