What Is An Aortic Dissection?

Aortic dissection is a tear that requires immediate medical intervention. Let’s see what the symptoms are and if there are any possibilities to prevent this problem.

The aortic dissection is considered by professionals as a medical emergency  that must be treated immediately. Indeed, the mortality rate is high. Therefore, we are going to learn more about this such serious condition in this article.

You have probably never heard of aortic dissection. However,  it is happening more and more often. For this reason, we believe that it is extremely important to know what an aortic dissection is, its causes and symptoms, in addition to discovering some methods to prevent its occurrence.

Aortic dissection

Aortic dissection, as the article Acute Aortic Dissection so aptly explains  , is a tear that takes place in the aorta. The middle layer of this artery is then exposed to the blood flow passing through it. This results in reduced blood flow or ruptured aorta.

These two consequences endanger the patient’s life. And especially in the case of a ruptured aorta,  where the risk of death of the person is very high. It is therefore vital to identify its symptoms in order to get to the doctor as soon as possible.

male aortic dissection victim


Knowing how to identify the symptoms that alert an aortic dissection is essential  to be able to consult the doctor and receive the correct diagnosis. So here are some of the symptoms that we should pay special attention to:

  • Strong, sharp , stabbing pain that may be felt in the chest or under the breastbone
  • Pale skin and weak pulse
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Dizziness with nausea and sweating

These symptoms can make us think of those of a heart attack. However, you must go to the doctor immediately. Strong pain in the chest or breastbone may indicate a ruptured aorta artery. Faced with this, we must act as quickly as possible.

The causes

The causes that can lead a person to have an aortic dissection are very diverse. Here are some of the reasons listed in the article  Aortic dissection and hypertensive emergency. Case study.

  • Degeneration of the middle:  the vascular wall weakens due, for example, to arteriosclerosis. The aortic wall thins and expands, increasing the likelihood of dissection
  • Arteritis:  this is an inflammation that causes the arteries to narrow and prevents blood from circulating properly
  • Valvulopathies:  Valves are damaged by aging, trauma or infection. This weakens them and exposes them to possible aortic dissection.

diagram of aortic dissection

Here are some of the possible reasons why a person may suffer from an aortic dissection. However,  is there an option to prevent this from happening? The answer is yes. So let’s see how to reduce the chances of developing this disease.

Prevent aortic dissection

This condition has only one possible treatment and that is surgery. Therefore, the best way to avoid having to go through this is to put in place certain preventive measures. For this, in the event of valve disease, arteritis or any other problem, it is advisable to carry out regular medical revisions. It is also very important to maintain adequate blood pressure.

If you suffer from weakened arteries or are subject to aortic dissection,  we recommend that you check with your doctor  to avoid this unpleasant outcome. The latter will give you a series of custom options that will be of great help to you.

We hope this article has enabled you to learn a little more about this type of tear that occurs in the aorta and which can be fatal. In addition, we emphasize the importance of regular checks. If you are also part of a risk group, it is essential to take much more stringent measures to prevent dissection as much as possible.

Did you know the concept of aortic dissection? If you suffer from any of the diseases or disorders exposed, if your chest hurts and you have difficulty breathing, go to the emergency room as soon as possible. Prompt intervention is vital in these kinds of situations.

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