What Is Tummy Tuck?

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure. It is not only aesthetic: it is also used in health treatments. The people who benefit from it are those who have experienced considerable weight loss.

The abdominoplasty is an operation which, in recent years, has gained in importance and is increasingly known. Even though the majority of people think that this is a method to lose weight, you should know that it is not.

This surgical procedure is also known as abdominal wall  surgery or tummy tuck. This involves removing excess skin from that part of the body, which is usually necessary in people who have experienced sudden changes in weight.

In addition to removing excess skin,  tummy tucks can be used to remove some of the abdominal fat. It can also be used to correct muscles in the abdomen, which may be softer than normal.

It is one of the most requested surgeries today. It doesn’t just help aesthetically:  it also improves a person’s self-esteem. We will therefore explain to you what an abdominoplasty consists of and why it is performed.

What does the abdominoplasty consist of?

When we experience sudden changes in weight, whether it is an increase or a loss, the skin can become damaged due to the excessive stretching. It therefore loses its elasticity and does not regain its normal shape, thus remaining soft and distended.

The abdominoplasty involves removing this excess skin  to have a flatter and firmer abdomen. It also helps correct excess abdominal fat and muscle flaccidity that accompanies these changes.

There are different types of abdominal surgeries, among which we can highlight the traditional and the mini-tummy tuck. The traditional one requires general anesthesia and a stay of several days in the hospital. It lasts between 2 and 6 hours and the incision made is larger.

For its part, the mini-abdominoplasty is carried out when one seeks only to treat the area below the navel. This is a simpler and shorter process. The incision is smaller and the recovery is shorter than with a traditional tummy tuck.

Who can have a tummy tuck?

Although it is believed that the abdominoplasty is an operation that helps to lose weight, it is not its main goal. In fact, it  is performed in people who have a good figure but who have excess skin in the area. It is also used when there is excess fat which does not improve with proper diet or exercise.

Women who have had multiple pregnancies can use it. Indeed, after several pregnancies, the skin and muscles of the abdomen do not always manage to regain their initial shape.

The ideal, if it is realized for this reason, is that  the woman no longer becomes pregnant. If the skin and muscles that have become strained are corrected and a new pregnancy occurs, they can expand again and the operation will become meaningless.

Other people who have tummy tucks are people with obesity who have lost a lot of weight. In these cases, it is common for the skin to hang a lot and sometimes weigh several pounds.

Excess skin.

What should be taken into account?

This process is very useful because, in addition to solving a cosmetic problem,  it can significantly help improve a person’s self-esteem. The abdominoplast will also improve the individual’s comfort as the large excess skin can be a real burden.

Nevertheless, we must not forget that this is a surgical operation. It is therefore not without risks. First of all, it should be emphasized that  the scar from the process will surely be very noticeable. This is a large incision that can change the position of the navel.

In addition,  as with any other operation, there is a risk of infection  or poor healing. These same risks derive from anesthesia. It is even possible that the sensitivity of the area is impaired.

Finally, it is essential to know, before performing an abdominoplasty, that it is advisable to have a stable weight for at least six months. The ideal is therefore to be well informed and consult a doctor to help us make a decision.

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