17 Foods That Block Pain And Inflammation

To control the problems associated with arthritis, we need to eat foods whose properties help us fight pain and inflammation in a natural way .

Arthritis is an autoimmune disease whose main symptom is joint inflammation and pain.

It usually affects several joints at the same time. If not treated on time or effectively, it can also cause severe pain, numbness and immobility in these parts of the body.

In this type of disorder, the reaction of cells whose role is to defend the body causes inappropriate and repetitive inflammatory processes.

In addition, they create antibodies that react against the body’s own tissues.

To fight it, one must seek the appropriate medical help and start consuming certain foods that block pain and reduce inflammation.

We present in this article a list of these foods that will help you:

1. Ginger

Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory power is comparable to ibuprofen and cortisol.

  • This effect is obtained by consuming it raw or cooked, in tea or by directly chewing one end of this root.

This way the pain will be reduced as if you had taken a pain reliever.

2. Cayenne pepper

It contains a substance called capsaicin which, in addition to helping us create endorphins, allows us to relieve the initial pain of lesions.

  • If it is added to the preparation of meals or consumed in a teaspoon dissolved in water, the feeling of well-being will be felt in the body and the pain will decrease.

3. Cherries

Cherries for pain.

Their ruby ​​red color comes from a chemical compound called anthocyanin.

This compound also has the quality of blocking pain and enzymes just like an anti-inflammatory drug without steroids.

  • Daily consumption of cherries can reduce pain by up to 25%.

4. Garlic

Garlic is another of the foods that blocks pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, it has antioxidant properties which help the immune system to function properly.

  • The best benefits are obtained if it is eaten raw, well chopped in a salad or in a sauce, but without cooking it.

5. Beet

Beets are a powerful antioxidant with a mild flavor when cooked. In addition to helping us block pain, it contributes to the better functioning of the immune system.

  • We recommend consuming it in salads or adding it as an ingredient in a delicious smoothie.

6. Salmon

Salmon for pain.

Thanks to its intake of omega 3 acids, salmon helps reduce inflammation and reduce pain and inflammation.

  • Your best bet would be to include it in your diet, at least once a week.

7. Broccoli

It is specially indicated for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Thus, it is recommended that all people with arthritis or joint pain consume it often.

8. Extra virgin olive oil

In addition to providing heart-healthy fats, it contains components that make it one of the best pain-blocking foods.

  • This oil also has an effect in the body similar to that of ibuprofen.

9. Blueberries

Blueberries for pain.

This fruit is rich in quercetin, a very powerful anti-inflammatory.

  • It not only stabilizes pain in arthritis but is also recommended for other pain such as heart disease, chronic fatigue and allergies.

10. Orange and grapefruit

They are rich in vitamin C and help reduce the risk of developing arthritis. It is advisable to eat only the fruit without the juice which contains too much sugar.

11. Green tea

It is known to be a great natural source of antioxidants. Its virtues are supplemented by a substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

  • It prevents the production of molecules that cause joint inflammation and the destruction of cartilage.

12. Carrots

Carrots for pain.

Thanks to their beta-carotenes and beta-cryptoxanthin, carrots are ideal for preventing the onset of arthritis.

  • Try to add them to your diet so that you consume them between 3 and 5 times per week.

13. Brussels sprouts

They reduce pain and deterioration of cartilage in the joints. If it’s not a vegetable that we consume on a regular basis, you may have a hard time getting used to it.

However, it is advisable to start introducing it in the usual way to our diet if the pain and inflammation have started to appear.

14. Turmeric

We have already spoken on other occasions about the properties of turmeric. If pain and inflammation are plaguing you, now is the time to add it to your regimen.

  • The easiest way is to use turmeric little by little in your green smoothies.

15. Pineapple for pain

Pineapple against pain.

Bromelain helps reduce inflammation and regulates the body’s autoimmune response. It is precisely this that causes the excessive inflammation.

16. Spinach

Thanks to their large amount of flavonoids, spinach helps reduce inflammation.

  • In addition, they are rich in vitamin K which also helps improve the inflammatory response of the body.

17. Tomatoes

In this case, the lycopene from the tomato is the one that is responsible for reducing the pain associated with inflammation.

  • To get all these benefits they must be eaten cooked, because lycopene is released only this way.

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