How To Lose Two Sizes With Just 5 Dietary Changes

Even though it may seem impossible to you, reaching your ideal weight and losing two sizes without starving can be extremely simple, you just need to do a few changes in your eating routine.

Think it’s impossible to lose two sizes by making just 5 changes in your diet? Well you are wrong!

Often, small changes have big effects, and we recommend that you implement them now.

One of the most complicated things about losing weight is avoiding the yo-yo effect once you reach your ideal weight.

To prevent this from happening to you, you need to take into account something essential: a diet cannot be temporary.

You must take control of your diet today and maintain good lifestyle habits.

Saying goodbye to white sugar or drinking plenty of water throughout the day is not only good for your figure, it is also good for your health.

Thanks to the advice that we will give you in the rest of this article, you will be able to quickly lose two sizes.

However, you must continue to follow them if you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle for the long term.

It is not going to require you to make significant sacrifices or invest large sums of money. We invite you to follow all the recommendations that we are going to make to you.

1. Cinnamon, your best sweetener

When making yourself a bowl of fruit salad in the morning, add cinnamon. If you like to drink a good cup of tea when you wake up, replace the sugar you are used to adding with cinnamon.

If you like to drink milk at night to sleep well, it’s the same thing: a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and your health will thank you!

Any excuse is good to sweeten your cakes and drinks with this fabulous spice, which has satiating virtues ideal for weight loss.

The reasons why cinnamon will help you lose weight are as follows:

  • Cinnamon has the ability to mimic the activity of insulin in our body. Thanks to it, it is therefore possible to stabilize our blood sugar level and avoid peaks which can be dangerous.
  • Cinnamon also allows us to speed up our metabolism to burn more calories and to lose weight in a specific area of ​​the body: the belly, a place that tends to accumulate fat.

2. Consume rye bread to lose two sizes

Bread is an essential part of any healthy diet. However, you must choose the variety of bread you are going to eat carefully if you want to benefit from its help in losing weight.

  • The most beneficial bread is undoubtedly rye bread. In the same way as cinnamon, this cereal allows us to regulate the level of sugar which we have in the blood.
  • It is extremely filling, much more so than other varieties of bread. In fact, if you want to lose a few sizes, rye bread slices are your best allies.
  • It is an ideal food for a healthy and balanced breakfast. The carbohydrates it contains will be released slowly in the body, which will provide us with energy for the whole morning.

3. Say goodbye to too fatty sauces and hello to olive oil!

When you prepare a salad or a piece of meat à la plancha, you certainly love to use a little Caesar sauce, sweet and sour or tartare, for example.

We all love those products that make our meals even more appetizing than they already are. Only, if you want to lose size, you will have to learn to do without it.

It’s not about eliminating them completely from your diet, but consuming them more sporadically.

  • Olive oil is the best condiment to accompany your salads. It will help you fight against the fat accumulated in your abdomen and take care of your heart.
  • In addition, its unsaturated fats will allow you to be in much better health.

Despite what many people think, foods like olive oil help us lower our cholesterol levels and lose weight.

To benefit from it as part of your slimming diet, we recommend that you consume a teaspoon of olive oil with a little lemon each morning. Then wait half an hour before breakfast.

4. If you fancy something sweet, go for dark chocolate.

A piece of dark chocolate a day can help you take care of your health. To satiate your desire for something sweet, to stimulate your digestive system and to provide you with many useful nutrients to maintain your heart.

How to resist it? And above all why? When hunger assails you, make yourself a snack with a piece of fruit, some nuts and a little dark chocolate.

This explosive mixture will bring you a large amount of endorphins.

5. Forget the latte and go lying down to lose two sizes

Coffee is a great ally for losing weight. It helps us speed up our metabolism, it is satiating and it is an excellent diuretic.

  • However, we have to be careful with the foods we associate it with. Milk has a high fat content and is not easily digestible. In the same way, sugar is harmful for our whole organism.
  • We recommend going for a natural sweetener if you don’t like the bitter taste of coffee, like coconut sugar or cinnamon.
    We also suggest that you consume a coffee in its so-called “elongated” form, ie with a little extra water.
  • Adding a little water to your cup of coffee will make your breakfast healthier, more digestible and more filling.

Try all of our tips today and lose two sizes in no time!

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