All You Need To Know About The EMF Harmonization Technique

The EMF harmonization technique helps us to find balance with everything around us and to release the internal tensions that prevent us from letting go .

For a long time, the EMF harmonization technique has deepened and developed. The results obtained have been extraordinary. Currently, this technique is being taught and practiced in 70 countries around the world. There are thirteen different sessions to which a specific work corresponds.

Traditional medicines share the same belief that our energetic anatomy allows us to be in contact with our core essence, the earth, and the cosmos.

What is the EMF harmonization technique? 

The earth

The EMF balancing technique , also called the EMF balancing technique , aims to extend and calibrate the human electromagnetic field.

This technique was created by Peggy Phoenix Dubro. EMF is the abbreviation of the English terms  electromagnetic field.

The course of the 13 sessions

  • Balance of wisdom and emotions: the goal of this session is to release stress.
  • Self-direction: the goal of this session is to release the energetic ties of the past, so that the individual regains his independence.
  • The radiation of the central energy: it is a question here of intensifying the energy of the central system which, according to the belief on which this practice is based, helps to balance the being on a spiritual level.
  • Energy realization: this session helps the patient to develop a better vision of his future.
  • Infinite love: during this session, the patient develops better contact with his inner being, which will subsequently allow him to maintain better relationships with others and to communicate better.
  • Infinite compassion: thanks to this session, the patient becomes aware of its physical effect on everything around him.
  • Infinite Presence: This session shows the importance of physical and spiritual presence in the cosmos.
  • Infinite Wisdom: This session helps to deal with everyday life situations.
  • The universal human: the patient is turned towards the universe, in order to activate the “inner child” and thus discover what affects him.
  • The universal partner: this session complements the facets of the feminine or the masculine, which generates a transformation and provides a feeling of pleasure, security and peace.
  • The evolving in emergence: this session is based on the energetic foundations, and the goal is to reach a higher level of consciousness.
  • The Evolving Being: This session bridges a new dimension.

The EMF harmonization technique is positioned as one of the best options for harmonizing the energy field. This field is made up of fibers of light and energy.

The universal point 

The flagship concept of EMF is universal calibration. It is a compound of orbital circuits, which are interconnected. This point is the same for everyone, which is why it is called “universal point”. Through this point, we can maintain a balanced energy flow with the rest of human beings.

This point also helps to better support the universal energy. It works like an electrical transformer: it transfers energy from one circuit to another.

The objective of the EMF harmonization technique 

The aim of the EMF harmonization technique is to balance and harmonize the electromagnetic field.

This technique allows us to find balance with the universe and thus to solve our problems. Thanks to this technique, the flow of vital energy accelerates and sweeps all our energy blockages. These blockages correspond to things we are holding back, such as decisions we haven’t made, dormant potential, and unnecessary emotional burdens.

The benefits of this technique 

Universal point

Results vary from person to person depending on each person’s energy structure. People who are further away from the universal flow will take longer to find the desired balance.

Thus, the benefits of this technique after each session are numerous and unique. In general, the benefits of this technique are as follows:

  • improved energy flow in all body systems
  • mental balance contributing to stress reduction
  • increased ability to communicate with oneself and with others
  • balanced position in everyday life
  • release of the emotional charges of the past without the need to relive painfully our traumas
  • better self-vision that comes with greater self-confidence when making decisions
  • acceleration of spiritual evolution

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