When Is The Best Time To Take The Medicine?

Many of the biological processes that occur in our body, such as the secretion of hormones, blood pressure or the production of cholesterol, follow a circadian rhythm. Therefore, if we adapt the intake of certain drugs to this rate, they will be more effective.

When is the best time to take the medication? Before or after eating? In the morning or in the evening? When the pain appears or when it is already intense? Most people have these questions and more about when to take medication.

While it is true that some are most effective when consumed at a specific time of day, or swallowed with food, other drugs are prescribed based on meal times. Therefore,  the best time to take the medication depends on the type of medication.

So there are two things to keep in mind: practicality and circadian rhythm. The latter refers to the cyclical repetition of processes over the course of a day or 24 hour interval.

Why is the timing of the medication important?

Many biological processes that take place in the body, such as the secretion of hormones, blood pressure or the production of cholesterol, follow a rhythm. Therefore,  if you adjust the intake of certain drugs at this rate, they will be more effective.

We now list some of the medications that should be taken at certain times.


These medicines, such as furosemide, the trademark of which is Seguril, increase the amount of urine that is passed. Usually, their effects occur between 1 and 3 hours after taking.

Thus,  for more comfort, they should be taken in the morning in  order to eliminate fluids during the day and not to interrupt nighttime rest.

Thyroid hormones

The absorption of drugs used for the treatment of thyroid conditions, such as levothyroxine, are greatly affected by the presence of food. In addition, these are drugs with a narrow therapeutic margin. In other words, small variations in their dose cause big changes in their effects.

It is therefore recommended to take them in the morning, half an hour before breakfast. If they are swallowed during the day, it is important to keep a fast of at least 4 hours before taking them.


These are drugs used to treat osteoporosis. Among them we find alendronate and ibandronate.

The absorption of these substances is also affected by the presence of food. This is why  it is strongly recommended to swallow them at least half an hour before breakfast  to ensure good absorption.


Calcium from bones.

Calcium is part of our bones. It is  the parathyroid hormone (PTH) which stimulates the proliferation of osteoclasts. These are responsible for bone resorption or calcium loss from the bones.

Night is when PTH levels are lowest. Consequently, bone degradation decreases and the incorporation of calcium is favored. The best way to take calcium supplements is therefore at night.

Statins, the time to take these drugs varies

In the liver, the production of cholesterol is more important during the night,  and less in the morning or at the beginning of the afternoon.

Statins are drugs used to regulate cholesterol levels. They do this by inhibiting the HMG CoA-reductase enzyme, which is involved in the synthesis of cholesterol.

Depending on the duration of their activity, in other words their short or long half-life, they should be consumed at a specific time.

Short half-life statins should be taken in the evening.  Among them, one distinguishes simvastatin, lovastatin or fluvastatin. In contrast, statins with a long half-life, such as rosuvastatin, atorvastatin, or pravastatin, can be taken at any time of the day.


A young girl taking her blood sugar using an insulin pen.

The insulin used to control blood sugar at midnight has less effect on hypoglycemia than if the same dose is taken in the morning.

This is because our adipose tissue is more sensitive to the action of insulin in the middle of the day. Therefore, the time of administration also influences the dose.

Medicines to treat asthma

The diameter of our bronchi varies throughout the day. In people with severe asthma,  air flow to the lungs may decrease by up to 60% at night.

Asthma worsens at night because histamine, responsible for closing the airways, is produced in greater quantities around 4 a.m. Therefore,  drugs for the treatment of asthma should be taken in the evening.

The best time to take the medication

As you can see, the more one tunes in with nature’s internal clock, the more effective the drug treatment. Taking the drugs at the right time – according to the doctor’s instructions – is therefore fundamental to ensure the success of the treatment.

Finally, if you have the slightest doubt about a medication, do not wait before consulting your doctor or pharmacist. This makes it possible to avoid a possible counter-productivity of the drug.

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