10 Habits That Cause Back Pain

Back pain is a pain that can be avoided if we practice good body postures and habits. Exercise, relaxation, and meditation practices can help prevent, control, and overcome them.

Back pain is not always caused by the same things. Even if you have a healthy lifestyle, you can still have back pain.

When we have bad habits or bad postures, back pain can become more acute, sometimes preventing us from moving.

This condition is known as low back pain and is very common in today’s society. It prevents children, young people, adults and the elderly from working.

The pain can be mild or severe, it can go away in a few days or weeks. Rest helps to overcome this condition, but if the discomfort becomes more and more severe, it is advisable to see a specialist.

10 habits to avoid if we don’t want to suffer from back pain

Here are some of the habits that can cause us to suffer from back pain:

1. Transport of excessively heavy bagsback pain

Whether it is the shoulder or the back, the weight causes an imbalance: the shoulders tend to bend and the body to lean forward. It is recommended that the daily weight we carry does not exceed 10% of our body weight. But we can distribute it, transport it or change its position.

2. Sleep on an old mattress

A mattress should last a maximum of 9-10 years so that we do not have problems sleeping. A study at the University of Oklahoma found that people who change mattresses every 5 years sleep much better, without back pain.

3. Wear too high heels or platforms

When the heels are too high, the back becomes arched, it puts pressure on the joints and forces the muscles in our spine to work too much. It is not advisable to walk long distances with unsuitable footwear.

4. Overweight

Being overweight is very destructive to the spine and joints in general. By forcing on the knees, the ankles support the whole weight of our body, which is very damaging.

If we don’t lose weight, back pain and pain will appear soon and our spine will suffer.

5. Improper lifting of objects off the floor

To lift a heavy object, we have to bend our knees, otherwise our vertebrae can damage a nerve or a disc. It is very important to be careful when lifting something heavy, as this action can also cause severe pain in the lower back, from the waist down to the legs.

6. Poor posture when sitting or walking

Poor posture, inadequate conditions in which we sit at a desk or at a computer are the main causes of back pain.

Walking hunched over with your shoulders forward is one way to hurt your back. For this reason, it is essential to practice exercises to relax the spine and strengthen the muscles, as well as to re-educate the posture.

7. Sedentary life

Not getting enough exercise has consequences for the back and the body in general. Sedentary life weakens muscles. So that almost any strain, or overload, can cause contractures. By practicing physical exercise, want to strengthen the muscles and the skeleton.

8. Inadequate diet

As we all know, poor nutrition leads to adverse effects like overweight, circulation problems, osteoporosis, high stress levels, cardiovascular problems.

Excess weight often causes the pelvis to move forward, creating tension in the back. Therefore, a reduction in body mass of 5% to 10% improves back pain.

9. Anxiety and stress

If our body is stressed, our muscles will be contracted, especially the muscles of the neck and back. If they don’t relax, then it will cause pain. If this pain is not treated properly, it could become chronic.

10. Expose the back to cold or drafts back pain

If we are on the street or if we are working somewhere with drafts, our backs or necks may suffer from severe contractures which cause pain.


  • Exercise, because when you don’t exercise enough, your muscles get weaker.
  • Make sure you don’t sit in one position for a long time.
  • Sleep well, because rest is essential for the body to have a chance to recover.
  • Practice stretching and meditation exercises with an emphasis on breathing. It helps to relax and manage stress.
  • Watch your weight. Your diet should be rich in calcium and vitamin D.
  • Watch your sitting and walking position. Try to maintain a balance in the back.
  • Sleep in an appropriate position and with a pillow recommended for the neck.
  • Manage stress. It is essential to avoid contractures and all types of back and neck pain.
  • Do yoga or practice meditation techniques. Because they help a lot to prevent back pain and improve the quality of life.

Main image courtesy of © wikiHow.com

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