Discover Surprising Uses Of Lemon

To prevent bugs from entering your home, clean the floor with lemon juice. You can also put it in the embrasure of doors or windows.

The uses of lemon can be surprising, because it is really very good for almost everything! Whether for health, beauty care, cleaning or cooking, the lemon is always ready to help us anywhere!

Find out what are the most common uses of lemon, but also those that we are less used to seeing. You will be surprised to find that lemon is a great ally!

One fruit, many uses

To fully enjoy this wonderful fruit, it is good to plant a lemon tree behind your house! If, on the other hand, you don’t have space, buy several kilos at the grocery store. Lemon will serve you for almost anything! So take note of these uses of lemon:

Anti-aging for the face

Using water with lemon juice can prevent the onset and production of free radicals. They are partly responsible for the premature aging of the skin. Lemon contains a lot of antioxidants.

Drink the juice of half a lemon in the morning, and preferably on an empty stomach. Do the same at night, just before going to sleep. In addition, it’s perfect for burning fat without adding calories!

Relieve sore throat 

This remedy is foolproof! It can treat all types of throat infections. Indeed, it tones the membranes and fights bacteria while disinfecting us. You can drink a tea with lemon and honey to cure sore throat.

Another option is to bake half a lemon in the oven. Then let cool and squeeze the juice. Mix it with a tablespoon of pure honey and then taste this remedy. In a few minutes you will feel much better!

Clean nails

If you smoke, your fingernails are yellow and look worn, with stains. You can then use a lemon and avoid spending the money on a manicure. It is a very good cleanser!

To benefit from its virtues, you only have to add the juice of half a lemon in a container of water. Then immerse your hands in it for five minutes. You can also rub the lemon directly on your nails.

To also clean your hands and make them beautiful, mix the juice of three lemon with a little gelatin. Then rub the mixture on your hands. In a few days, you will quickly see a difference!

For stains on the skin

Similar to fingernails, lemon can also help cleanse your skin. Then leave out overly expensive creams and lengthy treatments.

Just apply a little lemon juice to the affected area. Then leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. If you want a peeling effect , add a tablespoon of honey and a little sugar. Be careful not to expose yourself to the sun that day! Indeed, it would cause the opposite effect.

surprising uses of lemon: spots on the skin

For blonde locks

If you want your hair to look different but without using dyes, feel free to use this mixture!

It takes ¾ of a cup of water and ¼ of a cup of lemon juice. Wash your hair as usual, then rinse it with this preparation. Then you need to sit in the sun and wait for your hair to dry. Repeat this once a day for a whole week.

Oral care

Lemon stops bleeding gums. It also helps relieve pain associated with toothache. It is also a very good mouthwash!

Indeed, the acidity changes the pH of the mouth. It therefore reduces bacteria that can cause bad breath. Mix the juice of half a lemon with water and rinse your mouth with this mixture.

Cleanse the blood

Lemon is excellent for cleaning the circulatory system. It purifies us of the amount of sugar that certain foods provide us. It also purifies preservatives and artificial flavors that we consume and which are found in the blood.

Consume lemon water every day as it will allow you to cleanse your blood and body. In addition, it is very refreshing!

Control blood pressure

Its high potassium content helps us do that! Drink two glasses of lemon juice with water every day. This will help you reduce dizziness, nausea, and dizziness.

In addition, it will relax you by eliminating stress and depression.

Treatment for rheumatism and arthritis

His power  diuretic is used to increase the amount of urine . This eliminates more toxins and bacteria. You will get instant relief from these inconveniences.

What about the uses of lemon for the home?

The uses of lemon for the home are also countless! So don’t miss these tips that will help you greatly:

Refresh the refrigerator

You can remove all odors without any problem! Just rub a lemon on a sponge or cotton ball. It is then left to act inside the fridge for a few hours.

Prevent cauliflower from turning brown 

Just pour a tablespoon of lemon juice into the raw cauliflower, before boiling of course.

Disinfect the wooden work board

When you cut the meat, the wooden board gets dirty and can develop a very bad smell. Rub it with half a lemon to clean it, or soak it in water with lemon juice. You will see how shiny it will become!

uses of lemon: to disinfect

Keep insects out of the house

And especially the kitchen! Keep ants out with a spray of lemon juice on doors and windows. The mixture should contain the equivalent of 4 lemons and 2 liters of water. Use it to clean the floor too!

Deodorize garbage cans

The lids of garbage cans often smell very bad, especially in summer. It also depends on the type of waste that is thrown in it. For this smell to disappear, you have to put lemon zest at the bottom and on the top of the garbage bags.

Keep the guacamole green

If you don’t want it to turn brown after a few hours, sprinkle it with a generous helping of lemon juice.

Do not spoil the lettuce

As soon as it is wet after spending a few hours in the fridge, we throw it away. It’s a shame, because you can make a nice salad! Add half a lemon to a bowl of cold water. Then leave the lettuce in there for a few minutes.

There are still many other uses for lemon. But that will be the subject of a future article.

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