Complaining Affects The Health Of Our Organism

Did you know that a negative attitude can affect your health and that of your loved ones? Likewise, surrounding ourselves with people who can’t help but complain can affect our mental health.

The health of our organism is one of the determining points for leading a long and pleasant life, when we know how to maintain it.

However, this remains very unstable since any practice, simple or complex, can significantly affect our body.

Complaining constantly is a good example of these practices. Thus, saying discouraging sentences among those around us would result in affecting our health.

Some people often complain without even realizing it, they make it an imperceptible but annoying habit, when others do it consciously.

Complaining is a method in its own right in order to let off steam.

Complaining, a habit that affects health

There are countless habits that are unfavorable to the body. These include tobacco, alcoholism and a sedentary lifestyle. These are known practices and labeled as negative.

However, while the previous practices are recognized as harmful to health, there are dangerous habits which remain unknown or not perceived as such.

One of them is complaining.

It may sound amazing, but living in an environment filled with negativity and passing it on to others not only disturbs those around us, but our own health as well.

The impact on the brainto complain

The brain performs the function of storing information, thoughts, data or affirmations. He does not distinguish the bad from the good. This is why most of the time we interpret events in the simplest way.

Maintaining constant episodes of complaining or negativity affects the main organism of the central nervous system without us noticing it.

Gradually, we get used to these types of thoughts and they emerge more easily in the future.

Brain function

Brain function is made up of multiple synapses (connections between neurons) that are responsible for transmitting information. They are activated by an electrical impulse during a thought or an idea.

  • Over time and more information is gained, synapses get stronger.
  • When we generate consecutive negative thoughts, the brain reshapes its structure.

Thus, he ends up making it a common idea and easily accessible to neurons for future reflections.

To put it more vividly, to complain is to destroy yourself from within. In short, it is tantamount to deteriorating the health of his organism.

Side effects of complaining about health

The central nervous system is not the only one affected by a negative attitude. Other parts of the body also experience impaired health due to this bad habit.

Areas such as the heart and digestive system suffer serious consequences. The likelihood of falling victim to serious illnesses such as diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure is increased.

  • The immune system can also often be affected if we complain continuously.
  • These problems are linked to the secretion of cortisol, a hormone released by the adrenal gland during times of stress.
  • When it is produced in excess, the function of the immune system is interrupted, and this is when the problems start.

Surrounding yourself with negative people, the consequences

Many people engage in constant criticism, whether it is about society or about things as insignificant as clothing. Criticism is not bad only when criticism helps to improve.

Negativity and criticism often go hand in hand, creating a habit that will do no good. Complaining is not the only way to deteriorate health, being around negative people also contributes.

Complaints and sadness make a dent in other people’s brains. They will try to understand this attitude and try to “put themselves in the shoes of the person complaining.

Even when it has no interest in the situation, the main organ of the nervous system, out of pure empathy, will seek to know the reason for the sadness and complaints.

However, this does not only happen in negative cases. Joy can also be transmitted and give rise to pleasant sensations.

Feelings and emotions

to complain

People are sentimental and emotional beings. It is therefore impossible to avoid episodes of sadness, melancholy or anxiety. However, the ideal is to maintain their balance.

We must encourage each stage of life gradually, calmly and mature. If it’s an episode of sadness, you have to live it to be able to get out of it.

In addition, letting off steam without overdoing it is a very good alternative.

  • Segura, MS, García, RMG, Padrón, YC, & Abraham, CM (2007). Estrés y sistema inmune. Revista Cubana de Hematologia, Inmunologia y Hemoterapia.
  • Odeón, MM, Maidana, SS, & Romera, SA (2015). RELACIÓN BETWEEN EL ESTRÉS Y EL SISTEMA INMUNE. Revista de La Facultad de Ciencias Exacta, Quimicas y Naturales.
  • Cassano, P., & Argibay, P. (2010). Depresion y neuroplasticidad. Interaction of los sistemas nervioso, endocrino e inmune. Medicina.

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