9 Ways To Relax In 5 Minutes

There are many ways to relax.

Stress, nervousness and anxiety are bad for our health. This is why it is essential to learn ways to relax in 5 minutes.

We don’t always have time for a massage session, for meditation or yoga. It is necessary to find an “express” solution for a more than topical problem.

How to relax in 5 minutes?


A good walk, whether in the park or in a quiet place, allows you to relax very quickly.

If you are stressed out in the office, take advantage of lunch hour to walk a bit to a place you love and that is nearby.

You will only need five minutes to forget all your problems, to listen to birdsong or admire a flower. It can also help you think about what is bothering you. A good moment of calm and reflection.



You are sure to say to yourself “I breathe all the time! “. But we are referring here to conscious breathing. In fact, breathing allows you to relax in 5 minutes!

This is done by first paying attention to the air entering our lungs, not just doing this mechanical gesture that allows us to survive.

Breathing is a vital force, it fulfills a fundamental role for our body, it reduces stress levels and allows us to receive a good amount of oxygen. Set up series of deep breaths (always through your nose) if you want to completely relax.

You don’t have to go to a park or the middle of the countryside, you can just do it in the office. To help, close your eyes and get into a comfortable position (sit, stand, lie down, whatever).

A good example of exercise to help you: block the right nostril of the nose, and breathe only with the left. Then, alternate and do the same. It will relax you in just a few moments.


To put it simply, what is recommended is to “daydream”, because this technique brings us great relaxation.

If you are having a grueling day at work, think that you find yourself on a Caribbean island enjoying a coconut juice. Or that you are in the middle of nature, surrounded by trees and flowers.

You can also take the opportunity to think about your ideal future, it will allow you to reduce your stress levels and relax in 5 minutes.

Be careful because in some cases this method can increase anxiety as you realize that the holidays are far away and you cannot afford your dream home.

Imagine doing something that appeals to you and that gives you peace of mind.

How to relax in 5 minutes


Being on an empty stomach can increase your stress and nervousness. If you eat a small, healthy snack, you may feel better, even very happy.

Indeed, there is a correlation between the state of our stomach and that of our brain. Eat quietly, enjoy every bite.

Choose healthy foods like an apple, a granola bar, or bitter chocolate. Avoid foods that are fatty or contain a lot of sugar, as this will have the opposite effect.

Caring for plants and flowers

It is a really effective therapy for people who suffer from high levels of stress.

Plants, in addition to providing you with healthier, cleaner air, will help calm your nerves. You can have a lot of plants, or just a small pot, it doesn’t matter.

Dedicate certain times of your day to caring for your plants, and you can even go so far as to talk to them. You will see that your blood pressure will drop, as will your palpitations.

Get away from the computer

Heavy computer use (which many of us are forced to do) causes increased stress and nervousness. This practice leads to difficulty falling asleep, even insomnia, depression, nightmares, headaches, muscle pain, vision problems, etc.

Try, as much as possible, to rest for five minutes every two hours, and to avoid all the screens in your home (television included). Do not use the computer for less than an hour before going to bed, and do not leave it on if it is in your bedroom overnight.

Office exercises

Get in touch with nature

A little sun, a walk on the lawn, the smell of a rose in its natural habitat or a walk on the beach. All of these activities can be very relaxing and have you unwinding in 5 minutes!

Those who suffer from stress, nervousness or depression, can reduce their symptoms by just contact with nature.

When you are in the city, try to find some greenery in a park, for example. Or fill your desk with flowers and plants as well.

Get a massage

You don’t have to go to a salon for an hour-long session (although it would be great to be able to do that on a daily basis).

Do you have the impression during your day that you are going to explode or that your obligations are putting too much pressure on you? Then give yourself a little massage. Apply light pressure to the area between your index and middle fingers to release tension from the heart.

You can also massage the area below your thumb. This relaxes the muscles in your shoulders, neck and neck.

If you have a severe headache, make a few circular movements on your temples, remembering to close your eyes.

Listen to music

Thus, music has calming effects on our mind. But be careful, choose the style carefully.

Instrumental music, classical or mantra, is particularly recommended to calm your nerves. Many people choose this option to fall asleep better.

You can also listen to a song that you like very much. But don’t make it too slow or too sad.

It will release hormones that will allow you to relax. You can also listen to music with your headphones, or blast it through your home. Do what’s best for you.

There you go, now you know how to relax in 5 minutes.

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