What To Do In Case Of Neck Pain?

When we have a problem with the neck, it is important to treat it to avoid complications. Take care of your posture when performing daily activities and, before taking an anti-inflammatory drug, consult a specialist.

Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal pain. It tends to appear especially at the end of the day and generates a lot of suffering.

The pressure appears in the back of the neck and in the back part of the head and can go as far as radiating to the shoulders. If you suffer from it often, you know how crippling it can be.

We no longer have mobility and we may even suffer from nausea and vomiting.  

What can we do ? In this article, we’ll give you all the information you need to relieve neck pain.

What is neck pain?

Neck pain

The best is always prevention. First of all, you have to understand what causes neck pain.

  • Neck pain occurs through a neurological mechanism in which nerves activate during muscle contracture and inflammation.
  • This may be due to an alteration in the structure of the spine or a problem with the connections between the vertebrae in the spine.
  • However, most cervical discomfort is due to simple muscle overload, hence the importance of preventing this problem.

Now find out what are the possible causes of neck pain. 

1. Stress and anxiety

Daily worries, tension, nerves… All of this causes our muscle tone to change and our postural axis, as well as our movements, to be much more tense, and more rigid.

If we spend between 6 and 8 hours in this state, the most likely is that at the end of the day we have pain in the neck and contractures appear.

2. How do you usually sleep?

If it is painful to come home after a long day at work with neck pain, it may be worse to get up with this problem.

Take an interest in the quality of your bed mattress, as well as the position in which you sleep. These are two fundamental elements.

Sleeping on your stomach with your neck bent to one side is a position that should be avoided at all costs during the night.

When the alarm goes off, most likely your neck area is totally stiff.

3. How many hours do you spend in front of the computer?

  • You have to know how to maintain good posture. It is important to rest every 15 to 20 minutes when working at a computer, move your neck in a circular fashion, not twitch it when looking at the screen, and properly direct our eyes towards the computer (it does not there must be no difference in height). 
  • If you keep a bad position for several hours, the neck will be more likely to be affected by these famous pains.

4. Watch out for bad movements

  • Pay attention to the way you carry weights. For example, when the holidays arrive, you have to carry suitcases, and contractures appear at that time.
  • You should also be careful when doing exercises.
    Sometimes the wrong movement when walking, running or even dancing can strain the neck and cause pain.
    Always exercise gently and gently, taking care of your postural axis. 

Treatment for neck pain

cervical pain treatment

Once the pain and discomfort subsides, the last thing one needs to do is continue to act as if the problem is no longer there.

Sometimes taking a pain reliever or anti-inflammatory medication can eradicate the pain but does not resolve the contracture. It is therefore necessary to follow these simple rules:

1. Moderate your physical activity

  • A cervical contracture or a simple discomfort in the neck area requires care and especially time.
  • Take into account that pain is already a symptom, and a warning of something wrong.
    This can help prevent this inflammation from getting worse and causing nausea and vomiting to occur.
  • Rest and soften your movements. It is important that they are as harmonious as possible, especially with your back and shoulders.
    Don’t carry heavy loads and take at least 15 days of well-earned rest.

2. Cold-hot treatment

Do this treatment 3 to 5 times a day:

  • Apply a small ice pack for 2-3 minutes on the cervical area, and then put a warm compress there.
  • Remember that sleeping with a thermal pillow at night is not recommended.
    This can be dangerous for our skin and can overload the area. The best is to alternate a treatment based on hot and cold.

3. Baths with rosemary water or lavender water

  • Rosemary and lavender are two plants with very effective anti-inflammatory principles for treating contractures and neck pain.
  • To do this, first prepare two liters of hot water with 5 sprigs of rosemary and 5 sprigs of lavender to make an infusion.
    Once it is lukewarm, then use a cloth to let this medicinal water flow evenly over the cervicals.

4. Yes to physiotherapists and yoga to prevent future contractures

  • It will always be more profitable to use the skilled hands of a specialist rather than an anti-inflammatory. 
  • So, if in your case neck pain is very common, try making some lifestyle changes.
  • There is also a very effective way to prevent possible contractures in the cervical area. You need to practice aerobic, flexibility and breathing exercises. Indeed, they help us take care of our mobility and relax this muscular rigidity.

Yoga, daily walks and swimming are very suitable activities. 

Manage your stress peaks and pay attention to your postures as you work in front of a screen. It’s worth it !

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