Healthy Eating And Exercise, The Perfect Combination

Healthy eating and exercise are the best options for good health. In addition, it is possible to take care of yourself in a delicious and varied way.

To lose or maintain our weight, a correct and healthy diet as well as physical exercise are the two essential elements. However, losing weight or staying in shape does not necessarily mean making sacrifices in the diet,  or punishing our body by exhausting ourselves at the gym.

On the contrary, moderation is the key to maintaining healthy and sustainable lifestyles over time. It is enough to have a little order and discipline and, of course, to consult a specialist in the face of the slightest doubt.

In this article, we offer you a series of tips to help you improve your diet which, combined with a little physical exercise, will be the key to your success.

Food doesn’t have to be bland

While this shouldn’t be obsessive, checking the nutritional value labels of the products you buy can help you take care of your diet. Without having to give up most of the foods you like.

In this regard, foods such as industrial pastries or “junk food” should be eradicated from your diet if you want to lose weight – or keep your weight -. It is also recommended not to consume too much fried food.

In addition, it is suggested to reduce the daily consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, bread and pasta.

It is preferable to ingest them in smaller quantities and to favor an accompaniment based on vegetables and proteins rather than sauces. Eggs, tuna, turkey fillets, chicken, beef or pork are excellent.

A woman cooking a salad.

For example, at lunch or dinner, you can guide yourself with your plate. Half should contain vegetables. Then you can divide the other half in half. One for foods high in carbohydrates and the other for protein.

In this last half, you can incorporate cold cuts. Turkey fillets, without salt and fat, are an excellent source of protein. You can incorporate them both in salads and in more elaborate recipes.

On the other hand, you can cook potatoes for carbohydrates. With a drizzle of olive oil as a seasoning, they will add a more flavorful touch to your dishes.

Finally, it is advisable to consume one or more fruits every day. Their ingestion is essential for good health.

Sport, a fundamental objective

It is important to keep in mind that without exercise,  no type of diet works. Healthy eating and physical exercise therefore go hand in hand.

It doesn’t just make sense to maintain optimal weight. Sport is also essential for  preventing preventable cardiovascular diseases  such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia. This is what this study, carried out by the University Hospital of San Juan (Alicante), suggests .

If you are one of those people who already practice regular physical activity, you can choose a ham, rich in protein, low in fat, reduced in salt and added sugars, to add to your dishes.

Otherwise, if you don’t like ham, go for the turkey breast!

A turkey breast wrap.

Healthy eating combined with exercise doesn’t have to be boring

If you follow these tips and are consistent, then you are creating healthy habits that will stay with you throughout your life. However, all it takes is a little strength, willpower and patience. It may take a while for results to appear,  but don’t give up!

Now that you know this, you have no more excuse to turn your routine around and practice some much healthier habits. Taking care of yourself has never been so easy… And delicious!

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