How To Treat Dysphonia With Natural Remedies

The alteration that occurs in the emission of the voice is a medical condition known as dysphonia, although colloquially it is also known known as hoarseness or aphonia.

People who abuse their voice are usually the most likely to suffer from dysphonia. There are studies that indicate that certain professional groups, such as teachers, are the most affected. Did you know that it is possible to treat dysphonia?

Indeed, anyone can suffer from this condition.

The causes

Sometimes dysphonia can occur for several reasons. These are divided into physiological causes and functional causes.

Among the physiological causes, we can mention:

  • Nodules
  • Polyps
  • Laryngitis, including that caused by gastric reflux

The functional causes are:

  • Excessive or incorrect use of voice
  • Muscle tension

Although it is not a psychological illness, stress and anxiety have a strong effect on dysphonia.

In fact, some studies show the influence of everyday life events on functional dysphonia.

Treatments for dysphonia

The medical treatment for this condition depends on several things:

  • Voice rest and speech therapy are usually prescribed
  • In some cases, surgery may be recommended

It should be noted that in the event of physiological dysphonia, it is recommended to carry out a diagnosis and specialized treatment before trying any other remedy.

Natural alternatives to treat dysphonia

Along with any treatment, it is necessary to give our vocal cords rest and not to strain. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids.


woman drinking herbal tea
Treatment of dysphonia with infusions is not only effective, but also delicious. Remember to buy the herbs in bulk to make sure they don’t contain any additives.

To benefit from the benefits of this treatment, it is necessary to take two cups of infusion per day for a month. Then you have to leave a space of two weeks and repeat the treatment.


  • 1 tablespoon of the herb of your choice (10 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)
  • Honey (according to your taste)

Method of preparation

  • Add the herb to the pot with boiling water.
  • Let sit for 7 minutes.
  • Then filter and serve in a cup.
  • Sweeten with honey and enjoy.

Among the most effective infusions to treat dysphonia, we recommend:

  • Ginger : it is distinguished by its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps detoxify the body. This infusion is not only ideal for treating dysphonia, but also for treating any respiratory illness.
  • Chamomile : In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, chamomile has digestive properties.
  • Mallow and eucalyptus : the mucilages contained in mallow reduce irritation, while eucalyptus clears the respiratory tract.


The effectiveness of this remedy in the treatment of dysphonia requires special attention so as not to damage the throat. Gargle gently and quietly for two minutes.

This treatment should be done three times a day.

Among the best options for treating dysphonia by gargling we find:

  • Baking soda, salt and honey : mix 1 tablespoon of each ingredient in a glass with lukewarm water.
  • Lemon : use the juice of two freshly squeezed lemons.
  • Sage and plantain: prepare an infusion with these herbs to gargle.

treat dysphonia with pineapple juice

Another good option for treating dysphonia is regular consumption of juice. It is recommended to drink 2 glasses per day in the morning. It is also beneficial to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Remember that the juices should be natural and freshly made, as this avoids the addition of sugars and maximizes the healing properties.

The most recommended juices for dysphonia are:

  • Pineapple : helps revitalize vocal cord tissue.
  • Carrot : It is also useful for treating any respiratory illness.
  • Cabbage : treats irritation of the throat; Moreover, mixed with carrot juice, it helps decrease anxiety which can worsen dysphonia.

Relaxation exercises to treat dysphonia

Regardless of the treatment you have chosen, relaxation exercises are also recommended. Here’s how to make them:

  • Raise and lower your head
  • Move your head back and forth
  • Rotate shoulders forward and back
  • Move your arms in circles

Breathing techniques to treat dysphonia

To strengthen the speech system, we can use this breathing technique:

  • Inhale air for 10 seconds
  • Keep the air still 10 seconds
  • Gently release the air for another ten seconds

This exercise should be done gently, at least five times in a row.

Finally, blowing soap bubbles is also beneficial and fun.

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