Sink Corner Renovation Ideas

The sink area is one of the areas you always want to renovate to make it look great. For this, there are multiple ideas that are simple, inexpensive, and make big changes.

It is often thought that making new adjustments can be costly, since you have to hire a craftsman. However, it is possible to do efficient, modern and economical work yourself. Discover some ideas to renovate your sink area!

Design and new fashion trends are subjects to which we all remain attentive. They arouse curiosity, attention and plans for the future. So, day by day, new types of decorations have appeared and the house has become a place to explore new styles.

Renovating the sink space is interesting because it is one of the most important parts of the house. As this is one of the areas used for daily personal hygiene, it is essential that it is always beautiful, conveying a feeling of cleanliness, order and care.

5 ideas for renovating the sink area

The first step to take into account when renovating the sink area is preparation. This phase is essential to allow the person to analyze and decide which elements do not seem harmonious and which need urgent change.

Likewise, it is the moment when the techniques to be implemented are defined, as well as the design of the new elements to be added and the distribution accordingly. It is essential to make a preparation that allows you to consider all the details and to establish a clear mental diagram of the result you want to achieve.

There are all kinds of ideas, depending on the tastes and spaces you can work with. These can range from the simpler to some that require more elaboration to renovate the sink area.

A person washes their hands.
Since the sink is an area associated with cleanliness and neatness, the design should be oriented in that direction.

1. Paint the wall

The simple act of changing the color of a wall can be a nudge to initiate dramatic changes and add a touch of novelty to the sink area. There are many reasons for this, either because the current paintwork is deteriorating, or because there is a new color on the market that stands out and goes better with the tones of the bathroom.

The decisive point to take into account to realize this idea will be to choose a good quality paint, which ensures that its condition is preserved and does not suffer deterioration due to factors such as humidity.

2. Paint the tiles to renovate the sink area

We can also appreciate the color of its walls, but think that the tiling that covers some parts of it is a color that is out of fashion. However, tiles don’t have their time and don’t deserve to be thrown away. There are innovative alternatives for renovating the sink area with these same tiles.

The way is very simple and effective. You can paint these tiles to rejuvenate them and get a different look. To obtain the desired results, it is essential to sand, so that the paint adheres better, then to paint with vitrified product and finally to clean between the joints of the tiles.

3. Lay adhesive tiles

There is not just one way to renovate a tile that was installed a while ago. Another technique that can be economical and offer a unique design is to buy adhesive tiles to lay.

Some people may think that painting the tiles takes longer and is not enough for the drastic change they are considering. They can therefore use adhesive tiles available on the market with different lines or patterns to contrast and match them.

To do this, you need to clean the wall so that the adhesive adheres cleanly and evenly. Then just remove the plastic covering it and the new style can be applied immediately. There are two layouts: some that take up the entire length of the wall and others that can be placed square by square.

4. Wallpaper to renovate the sink area

Another fashion has appeared recently; this is the wallpaper that covers the entire wall and replaces the paint. It is usually chosen because its patterns give the place a more modern and not static look.

In addition, this idea allows you to evoke specific places in the interior of the house and recreate an original style with other types of textures. Vinyl wallpaper is the recommended material to be placed in the sink area, as it protects against moisture and can be wiped off without damage.

A modern sink.
Small items and decorations are part of the sink design and are important at the end of the plan.

5. Furniture and accessories in the sink area

When it comes to innovation, you can also think of a key element such as furniture. If what you are looking for is a renovation without extreme changes, you can keep the same and paint them to match a new style. If, on the other hand, you want to completely renovate the place, you can include new furniture at affordable prices.

Don’t underestimate the importance of small details, as the inclusion of accessories decorates the space and helps renew the sink area. Mirrors, shelves, dressers or napkins give more relief, highlight the colors of the facades and finish an excellent combination.

Renovating the sink area involves planning and realizing

Here are some of the final recommendations for renovating the sink area:

  • Make a good planning phase to select a good idea, adjust the budget and execute without improvisations.
  • Seek technical advice to avoid damaging purchased products and the sink area in general.
  • Pay attention to every detail. From the largest to the smallest, the whole must constitute a harmonious space.
  • You can use multiple ideas at the same time if space allows. That is, alternate vinyl wallpaper with painted tiles if the combination of the two works.

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