Magnetic Fields: What Are They And How Do They Affect Us?

Computers, cell phones, sockets, microwaves, wifi, etc. All these devices that we use daily and which make our lives easier also generate magnetic fields in their environment which have a negative impact on our health, causing us problems such as insomnia, anxiety, allergies, skin. dry, etc.  

In this article we explain what these fields are, how they affect us and how we can avoid them to continue enjoying the use of our favorite devices without them being harmful to our health.

What are magnetic fields?

There are currently electromagnetic fields everywhere, even if we do not have electronic devices, we receive waves from our neighbors. Only people who live far from everything and without any type of cable or fiber connection will be free from it.

But these fields are invisible to the human eye, which  is why we do not give them the necessary importance. 

Magnetic fields in the house.

Magnetic fields occur because of the buildup of electrical charges that generate the electronic devices and connections that surround us, from television antennas to power outlets to x-ray machines.

In short: any type of electrical device in general. If we pay attention to our surroundings, we will be able to see that electronic devices are everywhere.

When an electric cable is plugged into a socket, electric fields are generated in the air surrounding the electric device. The greater the voltage, the more intense the electric field.

If we connect to the internet on a computer, we will see how many wifi lines we detect. All of them reach our organism.

It is important to note that there are also natural magnetic fields, caused by earthly energies, and they can also affect our health. They can also be avoided largely thanks to the advice we give in this article.

How do these magnetic fields affect us?

There is not yet a large-scale study confirming all the negative effects caused by continuous exposure to electromagnetic fields, as they have greatly increased in recent years.

Either way, a person who spends a whole day in a very busy environment can check its effect on their body. Many people who work long hours in the office experience these problems on a daily basis.

Let us quote a few:

  • Disturbances of the nervous system: depression, anxiety, irritability, etc.
  • Insomnia
  • Allergies
  • Hypertension
  • Eye problems
  • Dry skin
  • Concentration problems, dizziness, disorientation
  • Migraines
  • Exhaustion
  • Infertility and problems during pregnancy
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Arrhythmia

Different studies also suggest that they could be carcinogenic in the long run.

How can we avoid them?

The most utopian option is to go and live isolated in the middle of nature, in an ecological house and without any type of electrical connection. Of course, this option is practically impossible for most of us.

Insulate yourself from magnetic fields.

In addition to trying to avoid as much as possible being near electrical appliances or trying to use the internet by cable, especially in the bedroom and in areas of the house where we spend more time, it is There are certain ways of relieving ourselves of this electromagnetic contamination on a daily basis: 

  • Walk barefoot in the sand on the beach or in the grass, at least for an hour.
  • Hold a tree in your arms for at least 15 minutes.
  • Sleep with a natural sheep wool blanket under the bed, since it acts as an insulator.
  • Acquire products that insulate electromagnetic waves (there are some for mobile phones, for example).
  • Use copper to make natural insulators (clothing with copper wire, copper bracelets, etc.), since copper has protective properties against these waves.

You want to try ?

For the most skeptical people we recommend doing an experiment. 

Every day for a month, boil water in the microwave, and when it is lukewarm, use it to water two similar plants, one with water heated in the microwave and then cooled, and one the other with the water that comes directly from the tap.

After a while, we’ll see how each one evolves. It is possible that one will not survive or develop in the same way.

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