Celery, An Ideal Food For Cleaning The Kidneys

Celery is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, which promotes the purification of toxins and helps us regulate cholesterol and blood pressure.

Celery is a highly valued food today, for its culinary benefits but also for its therapeutic principles.

This vegetable rich in “organic water” contains minerals, vitamins, bio-flavonoids and enzymes which are excellent for kidney health.

In addition, it should also not be forgotten that celery is considered one of the best plant diuretics, which is essential for removing substances and wastes that tend to accumulate in the kidneys and can make us sick.

Its benefits are manifold. We will therefore explain to you why you should consume it more often to benefit from better general health, and especially kidney health. Do you take note?

Take care of your kidneys with celery: the good idea!

Celery is a good mineralizer for the kidneys

Many people buy vitamins from pharmacies to cover their deficiencies which often cause fatigue, discomfort, fluid retention and a weak immune system.

In fact, a lot of this can be found in the daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Celery can re-mineralize the body, detoxify it and purify the blood  (the three basic pillars for enjoying better health on a daily basis).

  • Celery belongs to the same family as parsley and fennel. They are therefore umbellifera which, thanks to their taste and their properties, promote the proper functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Celery is mostly water, but the vitamins and minerals it contains make it a very interesting medicinal food:
    • Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B9
    • Beta-carotenes, such as provitamin A and vitamin E
    • Vitamin C
    • Calcium
    • Zinc
    • Potassium
    • Magnesium

You should know that our body also needs a good balance between sodium and potassium.

In addition, you should avoid consuming too much salt (know that salt contains 40% sodium).

Thanks to celery, we will therefore fight against water retention because it contains 3 times more potassium than sodium.

The importance of fiber in kidney health

Another interesting fact is that celery is high in fiber, which is essential for preventing constipation or dyspepsia, but also for lowering blood cholesterol levels and for promoting blood sugar control.

An organism with high cholesterol levels has impaired blood circulation.

If the blood is not circulating well, our kidneys have to work harder, which prevents them from being effective in the long term. 

Cholesterol is a very dangerous thing that should not be overlooked.

Celery helps us fight urinary tract infections

Celery contains an essential oil formed by apiol, limonene, psoralens and apiin as well as flavonoids such as apigenin and luteolin. These compounds have the following virtues:

  • They fight against infections of the mucous membranes of the urinary tract.
  • They deflate.
  • They are antioxidants, anti-fungal and anti-cancer.

Celery promotes blood pressure

To enjoy better kidney health, two things need to be controlled: cholesterol and blood pressure.

As we have reported to you, celery helps us balance cholesterol and it allows us to control hypertension.

  • Celery has bio-elements capable of blocking the activity of the enzyme producing catecholamines (stress hormones) which increase our blood pressure.
  • If you consume two stalks of celery, you will be successful in reducing hypertension.

Celery juice to take care of the kidneys


  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 1 apple
  • A spoonful of parsley (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh mint (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Clean the apple and celery well to start. You can peel the apple or use its skin for juice.
    If it is organic, you can take advantage of the nutrients in its skin. Either way, don’t forget to remove the pips.
  • Cut the apple and celery into pieces to make preparation easier.
  • Then put a little parsley and fresh mint. This will allow their essential oils to spread during mixing.
  • Then put the apple, celery and fresh herbs with the glass in the blender, then mix to obtain a very homogeneous green juice. The result is fantastic.
  • If you consume it 3 times a week for breakfast, it will do you a lot of good. You may notice a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect which will be excellent for your kidneys.

It is worth a try!

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