Reduce Arthritis With Fatty Acids

Since our diet can be decisive when it comes to preventing inflammation, it is important to consume ingredients that contain omega-3 fatty acids.

What we eat has a big impact on how we feel. People who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis should therefore adopt a healthier and more balanced diet.

In this article, we’re going to give you the best meal options and explain why fatty acids are used to reduce the symptoms of this chronic disease.

A balanced diet for arthritis

Proper nutrition is essential for anyone, and even more so for those with conditions like arthritis.

Every day, it is important to consume:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Dried vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Easy absorption proteins
  • Foods Containing Gluten

People with arthritis need to eat foods that contain high amounts of fiber. 

When going through an episode of pain and inflammation, it is recommended to ingest extra virgin olive oil as it contains compounds similar to aspirin or ibuprofen.

It is advisable to take 3 and a half tablespoons of oil to achieve the same anti-inflammatory effect as 200 mg of these drugs.

On the other hand, garlic has the ability to relieve inflammation in muscles and joints, while increasing the amount of antioxidants that work positively in the body.

Sesame seeds are also good because they contain a lot of selenium (in people with arthritis this component is rare).

Vitamin D is very important in reducing the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, especially in women.

In addition, it has the ability to improve the immune system and prevent bone decalcification.

The best source of this vitamin is the sun. It is good to expose yourself for 15 minutes a day (as long as you do not do it at dangerous times, i.e. between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.).

What is good to eat when you have arthritis?

  • Beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Rye
  • Oats
  • Spinach
  • Soy
  • Potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Dried fruits (almonds, pistachios)
  • Plant milks
  • Brown rice
  • Coconut

Are there any foods that produce inflammation in the joints?

Yes of course. When you have arthritis, you have to be careful about what you eat.

For example, meat, chicken, and cold cuts increase certain substances in the blood (known as AGEs), which can inflame the joints.

Omega-6 acids found in egg yolks, fast foods, and fried foods also have the ability to increase inflammation.

Research claims that those who eat more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 suffer negative consequences and the swelling becomes more noticeable and painful.

Fatty acids and arthritis

Although omega-6s are not entirely recommended, it is advisable to consume omega-3 fatty acids because they have anti-inflammatory properties and lubricate the joints, which helps alleviate pain.

Flax or flax seeds are one of the best options among foods high in omega-3s. They can be crushed to sprinkle them on salads, soups, juices etc.

You have to be careful because fatty acids can be quite laxative and the fibers they contain prevent the absorption of certain drugs.

In addition, they act as anti-coagulants. If you are taking aspirin or similar drugs, it is therefore best to consult a doctor first.

On the other hand, fish are an excellent source of these fatty acids. The best are known as “blue fish”:

  • The salmon
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Cod
  • Mackerel

They are natural anti-inflammatories and they also provide relief from arthritis symptoms.

A study carried out in 2002 (published in the journal Proceedings of the Nutrition Society) indicates that fish oil supplements are very good for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis especially in the more advanced cases (severe or chronic).

Consumption of omega-3 fatty acids makes a noticeable difference in the daily activities of those affected, as more movement can be achieved after ingestion.

In addition, omega-3 acids reduce the risk of suffering from heart attack or any type of cardiovascular disease, as well as high blood pressure.

The diet of Western countries tends to be low in this nutrient and abundant in omega-6s. This is why there are so many people who have arthritis problems when they reach a certain age.

Where can you find omega-3 acids?

Chia seeds have the highest concentration (known to date) of omega-3 acids (500 grams per kilo) if we are talking about foods of plant origin.

Here are other good sources of omega-3: clary sage (with 50% of its composition), the e Sacha Inchi (a native peanut Peru with 48% of its composition) and pumpkin seeds (with more 40% of their composition).

You have to be careful with nuts and rapeseed oil because, although they contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, they also have a lot of omega-6.

If we compare the intakes of the two, omega-6 acids are in greater quantities. These foods are therefore not recommended.

Conversely, hemp seeds are good because they contain 3 times more omega-3 than omega-6.

The best way to consume this food is to prepare a milk or a smoothie with several dried fruits.

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