The Incredible Benefits Of Pistachios Every Day

Did you know that eating pistachios every day can help you be healthier and prevent many diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure?

Eating pistachios every day is a habit that some people have. They consider that they can make their diet healthier and more complete by regularly incorporating this food, in moderate quantity.

So read on if you are curious about what benefits consuming pistachios could offer, because below we will comment on several interesting facts.

Pistachios, rich in monounsaturated fats

Experts from the Spanish Foundation for Nutrition (FEN) indicate that  pistachios are a source of: unsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, fiber, calcium , magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, vitamin E and folate.

They also comment that “one serving of pistachios covers 15% of the recommended daily intake of phosphorus, a mineral that helps maintain bones under normal conditions”.

Although all dried fruits  be very healthy and nutritious foods,  pistachio stands out in a special way because it is a good supplement to the diet of people who need to gain weight in a healthy way.

Pistachios are one of the most calorie-dense dried fruits. They are indeed rich in unsaturated fats, in particular monounsaturated.


Why eat pistachios every day?

While it is true that not everyone should eat pistachios on a daily basis to stay healthy, some people can benefit greatly from their consumption. This is especially the case for people with bone problems, low weight people and patients with cardiovascular diseases.

1. They promote good cardiovascular health

Due to their content of nutrients and antioxidants , the  Pistachios are a food that can help with cardiovascular health.  Thanks to its content of phytosterols, arginine, resveratrol and lutein, this dried fruit can help regulate high blood pressure, lower cholesterol, take care of heart muscles and, in a way, prevent atherosclerosis.

2. They help prevent migraines

Pistachios contain magnesium, a mineral which, among other things,  regulates the function of muscles throughout the body (including the heart) and the nervous system,  blood sugar and blood pressure. In addition, it contributes to the formation of proteins, DNA and bone mass.

According to  experts of  National Institutes of Health:

3. They contain antioxidants


This dried fruit contains many antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium or resveratrol. These nutrients protect us from damage caused by free radicals, both at the cellular level and at the external level. We thus prevent premature aging.

4. They take care of the muscles

Due to their content in potassium , eating pistachios is very good for taking care of muscles and maintaining good physical performance. It promotes muscle contraction, nerve transmission and also promotes the elimination of retained fluids.

5. They have anti-diabetic properties

Pistachio stands out as the best dry fruit to prevent Type 2 diabetes  , thanks to its content of beta-carotenes, procyanidins and fibers. According to some studies, its regular consumption lowers blood sugar and improves insulin resistance.

6. They take care of the eyesight

Containing lutein, riboflavin, and zeaxanthin, pistachios are also good for maintaining good eye health. . This makes pistachios an excellent remedy for preventing and improving vision problems.

7. They help regulate intestinal transit

Pistachios are very high in fiber , a nutrient that supports and regulates bowel function. So that we can avoid constipation with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

8. They prevent anemia

Pistachio is a food that also contains iron . It can therefore help prevent ferropenic anemia. However, we  recommend to eat a varied diet  and also to eat foods rich in vitamin C (citrus fruits, peppers, etc.) to improve the assimilation of  iron .


How much should we eat per day?

Dried fruits are part of a balanced and healthy diet.  However,  they should be consumed in moderation because some, like pistachios, are high in calories.

In general, it is recommended to eat a handful of dried fruits per day. But in the case of pistachios, it is recommended to eat 49 per day, which corresponds to about 30 grams peeled.

In the same way, we remind that the most recommended is to eat them without salt in order to avoid an excess of sodium in our body, which would decrease the benefits of this dry fruit.

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